What does this number represent? 6,830,586,985
Population Dynamics Read through the article. 1.1 How and why is population changing in different parts of the world? a) The world’s population was increasing exponentially, but future growth rates are uncertain Read through the article. What issues does it raise? Lesson 1: How is the world’s population changing?
Population Dynamics Lesson 1: How is the world’s population changing? Learning Objectives: To describe how the world’s population has grown in the past. To explain how populations change. To suggest reasons for the changes in the world’s population
Describe how the world’s population has changed since 1800 Lesson 1: How is the world’s population changing? Describe how the world’s population has changed since 1800
How the world’s population has changed since 1800. Lesson 1: How is the world’s population changing? How the world’s population has changed since 1800. Since 1800 the world’s population has grown. It took 118 years for the population to double from 1 to 2 billion. From the 1950s there has been a population explosion. The time it has taken the population to grow by 1 billion has shortened to 12 years between 1987 and 1999. The population is still growing but not at such as a fast rate.
How does the population change? Lesson 1: How is the world’s population changing? How does the population change? Natural Increase = Birth Rate – Death Rate (+/- Migration)
Lesson 1: How is the world’s population changing? Key Terms: Birth rate – the number of live deaths per 1000 people per year Death rate – the number of deaths per 1000 people per year Natural Increase – the difference between the birth rate and death rate Migration – the process of people changing their place of residence, either within or between countries.
What factors have caused rapid population growth? Lesson 1: How is the world’s population changing? What factors have caused rapid population growth? The development of modern medicines. The introduction of vaccination and immunisation programmes. Better healthcare – more doctors, nurses and hospitals. More hygienic housing. Cleaner drinking water and better sewage disposal. Better diet.
Lesson 1: How is the world’s population changing? World Population Growth, Actual and Projected, 1950-2050 Why are people not sure about how the population may grow in the future?