Human Rights Research
International Human Rights Law treaty-based, amorphous treaties can be universal, or regional (e.g., OAS, EU, AU) topical (e.g., torture, women’s rights) humanitarian law; international criminal law
Challenges of HR research Lack of commercial publications (case reporters, digests) Many possible sources of law Language barriers Lack of documentation on human rights violations
HR research strategies importance of internet sources value of secondary sources (electronic or paper) Define your topic country or region time period group
One approach Use secondary materials to identify relevant treaty or treaties Is your country of interest a party? Any RUDs? What body “enforces” the treaty? What documents does the body produce?
Alternative approaches Search law review articles for a recent treatment of your subject Find a bibliography on your topic Search library catalogs for books on your topic Search the web for an NGO that works on your topic
Asylum law as context for US human rights work most likely point of contact with HR law many sources of information country reports news stories IGO, NGO documents expert witnesses foreign laws
Example: Convention against Torture US sources of law: Federal statute and regulations Administrative decisions Case law Best approach: Immigration law treatise
More on CAT research Beyond US sources: CAT Country reports General comments States parties’ reports to CAT CAT jurisprudence (Communications) Country reports Other NGO documents news stories experts
CAT website (part of OHCHR site)
OHCHR search functions basic search works like Google Treaty Bodies search is useful for some tasks, like finding state party reports From home page, pick Treaty Bodies From TB page, pick Treaty Body Document Search
OHCHR Charter Bodies search
Another tool for HR searching: REFWORLD Advanced Search
Country reports
Other relevant sources NGO topical reports News stories Foreign laws Expert witnesses
Council of Europe strongest human rights power ECHR “constitutional court for civil and political rights” in Europe documentation at HUDOC
Inter-American system developed by OAS two legal sources OAS Charter Am. Convention on Human Rights two main bodies Inter-American Commission Inter-American Court
I-A Court jurisprudence
IACHR case reports
African system African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights African Court of Human and Peoples' Rights (very new; may end up as the African Court of Justice and Human Rights.) documentation is scarce
African system (con’t)
2012 best source for jurisprudence WorldLII International Courts & Tribunals Collection