Cuba: land and livelihood Eduardo Fco. Freyre Roach, PhD, UNAH
1990 Crisis
Agrarian and food police today: keys strategies: Des-centralization of: Land tenure Market Making-power decision Distribution Sustainable Development: Conservation of Environment Reduction of importations Food self-sufficiency Reduction of Rural Exodus
Results: Des-centralization of 60 % of State land 1991-2018 Decrees-Laws of Nontransferable usufruct of the land Cooperatives, 37% of the land, 60 % of the total agricultural output. 3 % of the land can be used for non agricultural use. The workforce in agriculture has grown from 17 % in 2008 to 29 % in 2015. 1994 and 2004 cooperative monthly earnings growth of 445%.
Decree-law 81: Agriculture Sustainable: Project and Programs
Rational Card Subsidizing persons and not food???????
The U. S. International Trade Commission The U.S. International Trade Commission. US companies are already lining up to export agricultural chemicals and processed foods to Cuba. The Coalition of Organic Industry Leader encourages Cuban officials to resist conventional American food and agribusinesses invest and the expansion of transgenic crops and agrofuels.
. “While we are not sure whether Cuba represents an opportunity for us, it is important for us to understand the dynamics of the markets that our competitors are exploring.”