AP Lit. Lab Schedule Day Lyke Parker/Littlejohn 21st Graphics Lab Hours 1& 2 Parker/Littlejohn Hours 4, 7, & 8 21st Graphics Lab Main Lab 22nd 26th 4th & 8th: Main Lab 7th: Library @ computers —not in the lab— 27th Library @ computers (some overflow will be in ERC/Library Lab) 7th & 8th: Main Lab 4th: Library @ computers AP Lit. Lab Schedule
Upcoming Deadlines Presentations begin on the 28th Remember which day you signed up for: be fully prepared and ready to go by that date Your final presentation and notes need to be emailed to your instructor’s “@isd535.org” address the day prior to when you present Don’t forget the reflection, which should be printed and turned in on the day you present R.J. Essays are DUE on the 29th If turned in on/before the 26th they will earn bonus points (+5) Your R.J. will be turned in on this day, too The fishbowl portion of the final will happen June 3-5 (Finals schedule) The details are on the website Upcoming Deadlines
Are your objectives universal (not poem/chapter/novel/play specific)? Try something like “students will be able to identify symbols and how they impact the work as a whole” vs. “students will be able to identify the green light and what it represents” Do you move from low-level Bloom’s to high-level Bloom’s? Refer to your Survival Guide for help on this Are your slides easy to read? Think about font size, color, amount of text on each slide, etc. Is your presentation engaging, yet not overwhelming? (Ensure balance.) Images/original backgrounds are great, but only if they are the best images, the right size, not oddly stretched out, etc. Animation is awesome, but at a certain point it becomes distracting Presentation Tips
Hour 1 Schedule
Hour 2 Schedule