Check out the actual mobile version at Calibration test – Test chart Mobile simulated @ 70cm (Arms length) You can ‘quickly and certainly’ tell: Row 1 is U K N D Additionally, with difficulty, you can guess: Row 2 is E R H Z Mobile simulated @ 40cm (Normal reading distance) You can ‘quickly and certainly’ tell: Row 3 is V N E K Additionally, with difficulty, you can guess: Row 4 is K Z V N Mobile simulated @25 cm (Close reading distance) You can ‘quickly and certainly’ tell: Row 5 is U H D E Additionally, with difficulty, you can guess: Row 6 is Z K N R Check out the actual mobile version at
Check out the actual mobile version at Calibration test – Magnum Mobile simulated @ 70cm (Arms length) You can ‘quickly and certainly’ tell: It’s Magnum It’s a handheld ice cream There are six in the pack It’s a variety pack The size is “MINI” Mobile simulated @ 40cm (Normal reading distance) You can ‘quickly and certainly’ tell: It’s Magnum It’s a handheld ice cream There are six in the pack It’s a variety pack The size is “MINI” Additionally, with difficulty, you can guess: The flavours are “Classic”, “White” and something else Mobile simulated @25 cm (Close reading distance) You can ‘quickly and certainly’ tell: It’s Magnum It’s a handheld ice cream There are six in the pack It’s a variety pack The size is “MINI” Additionally, with difficulty, you can guess: The last flavour is “Almond” Original Check out the actual mobile version at
Check out the actual mobile version at Calibration test – Dove Mobile simulated @ 70cm (Arms length) You can ‘quickly and certainly’ tell: Its Dove There are 4 items in the pack It’s a bar of soap It’s the “beauty cream” variant Mobile simulated @ 40cm (Normal reading distance) You can ‘quickly and certainly’ tell: Its Dove There are 4 items in the pack It’s a bar of soap It’s the “beauty cream” variant Mobile simulated @25 cm (Close reading distance) You can ‘quickly and certainly’ tell: Its Dove There are 4 items in the pack It’s a bar of soap It’s the “beauty cream” variant Each bar is 100 g Original Check out the actual mobile version at