08 07 06 11 10 09 14 13 12 17 16 15 18 19 6 4 T L * Z % R Y H K 9 X £ M B F 8 ! ( Q N & P + E 2 1 U 7 J S D O A W 5 I G C = V ) 3 $ 24 25 23 22 21 20.


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Presentation transcript:

08 07 06 11 10 09 14 13 12 17 16 15 18 19 6 4 T L * Z % R Y H K 9 X £ M B F 8 ! ( Q N & P + E 2 1 U 7 J S D O A W 5 I G C = V ) 3 $ 24 25 23 22 21 20

Using contours to understand the shape of the land L.O To be able to interpret the shape of the land using contours on a map. Success Criteria: You MUST know what a contour is and how to identify it on a map. You SHOULD be able to use contours to describe in basic terms what the land is like. You COULD be able to explain how the contours show you the shape of the land and draw a representation of the land from contours.

There are three ways to show relief on a map. Relief is how geographers refer to the shape of the land. There are three ways to show relief on a map.

1. Colour shading 0-10m 11-20m 21-30m 2. Spot heights 3. Contours

On a map, relief is shown by light brown/orange lines, known as contours. Contours are lines that join points of equal height. The contours usually have a number attached to them– this is the height above sea-level.

Spot height shows the height of the land at that given point. Height in metres above sea-level. Contour line, joins points of equal height. Spot height shows the height of the land at that given point. There is usually a 10m difference between contour heights. If you were stood on the 10m contour line you would be 10m above sea-level. If you moved to the next contour line you would 20m above sea-level.

Thinking about what you have just learnt fill in the gaps on the handout. Don’t worry about the last paragraph we’ll be looking at that later. Stick the sheet into your book when you’ve finished. You have 5 minutes.

Contour intervals The intervals between the contours on the diagram are 10 metres. If you are standing on the 10 metre contour, you would need to imagine that the ground between you and the next contour is on a slope. As you walk towards the 20 metre line, your elevation increases. This means that point would at be about 15 metres. 38–39 m 4 40 3 30 31–32 m 20 m 2 20 1 Teachers may wish to quiz the students on the heights of the remaining points. The answers given are only estimates. 10 1 What would points 2, 3 and 4 be? 8

When contours are close together, the land is steep. Contours are great, because they tells us something about the shape of the land, without even visiting. 10 20 30 40 50 When contours are close together, the land is steep. 10 20 The further apart the contours, the gentler the slope.

Contours in this formation indicate a hill. 10 20 30 40 50 Contours in this formation indicate a hill. 50 100 150 Contours in this formation indicate a river valley.

Contours 80 70 60 Steep hill 50 40 30 20 What type of terrain would you expect these contours to map? 30 20 Photo Credit: (top right) Image from Photos.com © 2006 Jupiter images Corporation. Photo Credit: (bottom right) Image from Photos.com © 2006 Jupiter images Corporation. Gentle slope 10 11

Contour patterns and cross sections

It’s your turn to draw some contours. In your book draw 4 boxes. I am going to show you 4 different models. I want you to try and draw what you think the contours would look like on a map for each model. You will have 1 minute to draw each one. At the end a volunteer from each side will come to the front to draw what they think the contours would look like.

On the post-it note, write down 1 thing you have learnt this lesson and 1 question that you have about contours that you would like to know the answer to. You have 2 minutes.