D 4 Food webs Process: two open workshops WGGES consultation external peer review ICES advice
D 4 Recommendations Revise criteria to structure and function Use the concept of trophic guild Guidance provided on GES assessment and use of surveillance indicators. Consider links to D1, H&BD
D 4 Outstanding Issues, Resolution, Potential Time Frame Uncertainty D 4 Outstanding Issues, Resolution, Potential Time Frame 1. Further clarification on surveillance indicators and accounting for uncertainty. Use existing EU projects and ICES working groups to formulate appropriate methods 2016 Suggested request to ICES for advice to provide methods to deal with uncertainty in D4 indicators.
D 4 Outstanding Issues, Resolution, Potential Time Frame Regional consistency D 4 Outstanding Issues, Resolution, Potential Time Frame 2. Few clear regional approaches on setting limits Best practice guidelines be developed jointly by RSCs and ICES. 2017 Process developed in 2015-2017, where RSCs and ICES experts jointly meet to address D4 limits and targets. Similar to a TG for D4.
D 4 Outstanding Issues, Resolution, Potential Time Frame GES assessment D 4 Outstanding Issues, Resolution, Potential Time Frame 3. No clarity on whether GES assessments are appropriate when using surveillance approaches National and regional consultations on the implementation of the proposed framework for D4. 2017 Consultations be held to address how to use surveillance approaches to assess GES, under the auspices of WGGES/DGENV
D 4 Outstanding Issues, Resolution, Potential Time Frame Improved indices D 4 Outstanding Issues, Resolution, Potential Time Frame 4. The suggested revision does not address food web stability, the functional role of lower trophic guilds and relevance of size to foodwebs Further development of D4 indicators associated with management strategy evaluations of the impacts of pressures through national and EU projects. 2018 The job is only half done. Member states and RSC continue development of more iterative indicators for D4.
Summary Uncertainty Regional consistency GES assessment D 4 Outstanding Issues, Resolution, Potential Time Frame Summary Uncertainty Regional consistency GES assessment Improved indices