Test Tips Preparing for exam day
Preparing for the day of the Exam Eat a good, healthy dinner Monday night. Get a great nights rest! Do not stay up all night cramming…chances are you won’t remember it. Choose something comfortable to wear that is still following dress code. No subject specific clothing No loud jewelry or watches that beep Arrive to school like a normal day. Get to school on time!
Getting ready to test Only bring pens, pencils, erasers, and your ID to the gym for testing. Leave EVERYTHING else in your locker! Tissues and a jacket may be helpful The seats in the gym will be in long rows, organized alphabetically. We all know the alphabet. Find your seat quickly and get comfy This IS NOT SOCIALIZING TIME!! You are there for one reason… to take the test!
Testing room etiquette DO NOT… Talk to other students Make faces or gestures at other students Laugh or make noises Ask questions about the material Get up to use the restroom. Raise your hand to ask if the restroom is available. Be rude, disrespectful, or obnoxious
Testing room etiquette DO… Come prepared with pens, pencils, erasers, tissues, and a jacket LISTEN to directions FOLLOW the directions the FIRST time Raise your hand if you need to use the restroom, need a tissue, or need to sharpen your pencil Be PATIENT! You will be in there for a while. Everyone has to be. You are no exception. It will be over soon enough and then you can leave. WAIT to be dismissed. Everyone leaves at the same time
What to do during testing Test Tips What to do during testing
Be aware of timing Pay attention to the time the section starts. Write down the time somewhere, do the math, then write down the ending time. Always make sure you are aware of how much time you have. * Part I = 60 minutes * Part II = 75 minutes
Multiple Choice Questions 75 questions and 60 minutes ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS!!! Do the easy ones first, then go back to the harder ones. Use some sort of key to remind yourself of the questions you need to go back to * perhaps star the ones you don’t know. Spend more time on these after going through all 75 questions X perhaps put an X next to the ones you knew for sure so that you don’t go back and second guess yourself
Multiple Choice Questions Before you start, pick a letter A, B, C, D, or E. This will be the answer choice you end up choosing on questions that you either have to guess on or quickly bubble in if you’re running out of time. This may alleviate the stress of picking an answer when time is almost up
Multiple Choice Questions Don’t let the question trick you. Don’t pick an answer just because it sounds fancy and sophisticated and you’ve never heard of it before. Go with what you know and learned. Be aware of words like: EXCEPT BUT ALL DOES/ DOES NOT ALL OF THE ABOVE
FRQs Three FRQs and 75 minutes… about 25 minutes each Make sure you write legibly WRITE SOMETHING FOR ALL THREE!!! Make sure you label! FRQ 1, FRQ 2, FRQ3 All parts or sections of each FRQ A, B, C or I, II, III… Read all three and then do the easiest one first. Move to the second easiest, then save the hardest one for last. If the question seems tough, break it down and find words that you recognize. Use what you know about those words to try and help you answer the FRQ. Make sure you proofread!
Remember… You should be mentally exhausted when you’re finished with the exam. Don’t be afraid to think and use your brain the ENTIRE time! If you get frustrated on something, skip it and go back to it later.