Performance Update St. Philip’s College
Fall Headcount Enrollment Notes regarding data: SPC Headcount by Owner (certified)
Student Profile Fall 2013 17% Full-Time, 83% Part-Time 56% Female, 44% Male Ethnicity 52% Hispanic 12% African-American 30% White 34% Economically Disadvantaged 1 51% Receive Financial Aid 2 86% Require Remediation* 17% Dual Credit Students Notes regarding data: SPC Student Profile Fall 2013 (Receive Financial Aid most recent available data Fall 2012) (Require Remediation most recent available data *preliminary Fall 2011 FTIC) 1 Only 1.5% of our student population live in the 78202/78203 zip codes 2 Actual % is higher. This number includes dual credit students who are not eligible for financial aid. *Preliminary
Leading Indicators
Course Completion Rates We are continuing to improve (trending up). We are using Early Alert, Mandatory Tutoring, and increasing faculty/student interaction through faculty advising. We anticipate meeting our target for Fall 2014 as we pay more attention to this metric. * preliminary Action Plan: Early Alert, Mandatory Tutoring, Faculty Advising
Productive Grade Rates Same as previous slide. We are continuing to improve (trending up). We are using Early Alert, Mandatory Tutoring, and increasing faculty/student interaction through faculty advising. We anticipate meeting our target for Fall 2014 as we pay more attention to this metric. * preliminary Action Plan: Early Alert, Mandatory Tutoring, Faculty Advising
Number of High Risk Courses Nine of the 15 high risk courses at SPC are developmental courses. Developmental Education at SPC has now been restructured based on Alamo Prep and Alamo Ready. This alone will reduce the number of high risk courses. Other initiatives will also reduce this number. Notes regarding data: High Risk Courses by Campus Section Location Student Enrollment >= 100 and Success Rate of <70%
CCSSE at SPC Student Engagement Domain 2009 2011 2013 Active & Collaborative Learning 51.3 48.3 48.6 Student Effort 52.5 54.4 50.4 Academic Challenge 50.3 49.5 Student/Faculty Interaction 50.5 48.8 48.4 Support for Learners 54.8 54.5 Action Plan: Professional Development and Sharing of Best Practices during the report out of the Operational Unit Planning Process Large class size reduces one on one time with the student which affects each of these domains. However, improvement in each of these five domains will occur as we focus professional development on these areas and share best practices during our Operational Unit Assessment Process report-out. Notes regarding data: CCSSE=Community College Survey of Student Engagement CCSSE Benchmarks are groups of conceptually related items that address key areas of student engagement. CCSSE’s five benchmarks denote areas that educational research has shown to be important in quality educational practices. (CCSSE)
Fall-to-Fall FTIC Persistence Rates National average: 69% VLCC average: 58.2% State average: 53.9% Approximately 25% of our student population does not come to SPC with the intent to stay. However, our persistence rates should improve with the implementation of 4DX, as well as our Early Alert system, Mandatory Tutoring, New Student Orientation, Advising Model, the declaration of an academic/career path, and the creation of an individualized success plan. Action Plan: 4DX, Early Alert, Mandatory Tutoring, New Student Orientation, Advising Model, declaration of academic/career path, and creation of an individualized success plan.
Lagging Indicators
Four-Year FTIC Graduation Rates National average: 24.2% VLCC average: 15.9% State average: 17.7% As in the previous data slide, approximately 25% of our student population does not come to SPC with the intent to stay. However, our graduation rates should improve with the implementation of 4DX, as well as our Early Alert system, Mandatory Tutoring, New Student Orientation, Advising Model, the declaration of an academic/career path, and the creation of an individualized success plan. Notes Regarding Data: 2010 figures added using the THECB 2014 Almanac. Action Plan: 4DX, Early Alert, Mandatory Tutoring, New Student Orientation, Advising Model, declaration of an academic/career path, and the creation of an individualized success plan.
Degrees and Certificates Awarded Level I Certificates will increase due to the removal of the basic skills requirement. 4DX will increase degrees and certificates. For example, the SWC Student Success team’s 4DX leading measure is to review student records to contact those who have already met the requirements for a certificate in order to award that certificate while the student continues to work on an Associate’s Degree. Other teams have similar leading measures which will increase the number of degrees and certificates awarded.
6-Year Transfer Rates Transfer Rates should increase with the implementation of new partnerships with the University of Houston (Hotel and Restaurant Management program which leads to a Baccalaureate with the University) and the University of the Incarnate Word (Applied Science in Health Professions which leads to a Bachelor of Science in Vision Science and Associate of Applied Science in Nursing which leads to a Baccalaureate in Nursing). Note regarding data: FY FTIC students who transferred to a senior institution in six years. Action Plan: New University partnerships
Technical Students Employed within 6 Months of Graduation We are above the target due to our specialized Health Sciences and Applied Sciences programs targeted towards workforce occupations. Continuing to invite industry on campus, increasing internships, and the implementation of the Alamo Institutes will improve these numbers further.
Fall 2010 FT FTIC 3-Year Tracking This metric represents only about 10% of our population. Additionally, our entire student population is 83% part-time, 17% full-time (see 3rd slide – Student Profile). As mentioned in previous slides, we will address this with 4DX, Early Alert, Mandatory Tutoring, partnerships with Universities, etc. It is imperative that Alamo not remove programs from SPC. No one will come to the inner city without a reason to come. Notes regarding data: Fall 2009 Preliminary
Student Success Strategies 4DX Strategies for persistence and graduation Academic Advising New advising plan including faculty advisor Mandatory Tutoring All students enrolled in college prep courses 4. Professional Development Opportunities for faculty and staff
Student Success Strategies University Relationships Partnerships with UIW, UH, Univ. of Phoenix, Prairie View A&M, and National Graduate School Completion of Degrees and Certificates Contacting students who qualify for certificates 7. Early Alert Early alert reports are generated mid-semester and reviewed immediately with subsequent follow-up