CMPE 152: Compiler Design August 28/30 Lab Department of Computer Engineering San Jose State University Fall 2018 Instructor: Ron Mak
Today’s Lab Windows 10 (option 1) Windows 10 (option 2) Install GNU g++ and the “make” utility Cygwin: Windows 10 (option 2) Install a Linux distribution Install the Boost header files You only need the header files, not the library.
Today’s Lab, cont’d Install Eclipse CDT (or your favorite C++ IDE) Windows, Linux, or Mac OS Create a C++ project in Eclipse (or other IDE). Set the project to run C++ 11 dialect. Set the project to include the Boost header files. May not be necessary if you installed the header files in a standard location such as /usr/local/include/boost on Linux or Mac OS. Import, compile, and run the Chapter2cpp source files:
Today’s Lab, cont’d In the directory where you expanded the Chapter2cpp source files run the command to compile and run on the command line. make compile src=hello.pas