Propulsion QDR 2 AAE451: Balsa to the Wall Team 2 Ashley Brawner Matt Negilski Neelam Datta Mike Palumbo Xing Huang Chris Selby Jesse Jones Tara Trafton
Ducted Fan Candidates Manufacturer Model Diameter Weight Max RPM Cost [ in ] [ lbs ] [ RPM ] [ $ ] WeMoTec Midi Fan 3.5 0.231 35,000 $74.95 Mini Fan 480 2.72 0.132 45,000 $53.90 Great Planes Hyperflow 2.23 0.081 49,000 $30.00 VASA VasaFan 65 2.6 0.077 $60.00 -Research led us to believe these are best -WeMoTec is the standard -Size (last three about the same) -Expensive
Thrust Calculations
Ideal Thrust Curve Max Speed @ Max RPM 108.3 ft/s (73.6 mph)
Max Speed @ Max Continuous Current of Motor Actual Thrust Curve Max Speed @ Max Continuous Current of Motor 92.5 ft/s (63.1 mph)
Motor Constant
Thrust Comparison Fan Fan w/ Motor WeMoTec Mini Fan RPM 45,000 Max Speed 108.3 ft/s Thrust @ Max Speed 1.4 lbf Fan w/ Motor WeMoTec Mini Fan + Mega Can 16/25/2 RPM 41,500 Max Speed 92.5 ft/s Thrust @ Max Speed 1.0 lbf
Propulsion Summary Motor Mega ACn 16/15/2 Battery Speed Controller Kv 2650 RPM/volt Resistance 0.035 Ω No Load Current 2.1 A Max Constant Current 35 A Battery 15 Cells NiMH 1.2 V/cell Speed Controller Castle Creations Phoenix-35 Max Surge Current 45 A Max # Cells 16
Batteries Type Voltage Avg. Weight Total Weight Avg. Cost Total Cost [ V ] [ lbs ] [ $ ] NiMH 1.20 per Cell 0.09 per Cell 1.35 $3.00 per Cell $45.00 NiCd 0.13 per Cell 1.95 $2.70 per Cell $40.50 LiPo 3.70 per Cell 0.65 $25.00 per Cell $150.00 -Possible batteries -Different classes main diff is composition and weight -LiPo is best -We needed about 28.8 volts, leads to these total calculations
Ducted Fan -Ducted fan works on different principles than prop -Sucks air, does not cut the air like a prop does -smaller disk higher RPM
Duct Design Slightly Converging Inlet Straight Outlet 129% of Fan Swept Area (FSA) Funnel Air into Fan Opposite of Turbo Jet Straight Outlet 100 % of FSA Promote Flow DFan= Diameter of Fan DHub= Diameter of Hub -You can add to the thrust by designing a duct -inlet to be converging to help funnel air into fan -fan can only handle so much air at a time, if funnels too much, leads to extreme drag - FSA highlighted in blue
Duct Design Cont’d WeMoTec Mini Fan
Fuselage Integration
Propulsion Cost Summary Item Part Weight Cost [ lbs ] [ $ ] Fan WeMoTec Mini Fan 0.13 $53.90 Motor Mega ACn 16/15/3 0.17 $80.00 Battery 15 NiMH Cells 1.40 $45.00 ESC Phoenix-45 0.08 $95.00 (Not Included) Total 1.79 lbs $178.90
Propulsion Summary Max Speed Propulsion System Weight Suggestions 92.2 ft/s (61.1 mph) Propulsion System Weight 1.79 lbs Suggestions Revisit Sizing Decide on Motor in Next Class (10/5)