Adding Integers with the Same Sign
Warm Up -8 + (-1) = 5. -3 + (-7) = -48 + (-12) = 6. -32 + (-38) = -8 + (-1) = 5. -3 + (-7) = -48 + (-12) = 6. -32 + (-38) = 109 + 191 = 7. -40 + (-105) = -150 + (-1500) = 8. -200 + (-800) =
When adding integers with the same sign, add their absolute values and use the sign of the integers in the sum.
A football team has a loss of 3 yards on their first play and a loss of 11 yards on their second play. Express their total yards loss as an integer.
What do the following expressions have in common What do the following expressions have in common? -7 + (-6) = 7 + 6 = What is different about them? Hint: Use a number line to help you explain.
Exit Ticket -76 + (-124) = -12 + (-66) + (-48) = A football team receives a 5 yard penalty on one play and a ten yard penalty on the next. Write a sum of negative integers to represent this situation. Eli had mini golf scores of -3, -4, and -3. What was his total score for the three rounds? Anna made withdrawals from her bank account of $60, $85, and $115. Write and solve an addition problem that shows her withdrawals as negative integers.