Submission in the Home and Church 1Peter 3:1-17
Submission in the Home and Church Submission is the key word in chapters two and three. We have been called to submit and to suffer. Last time we discussed submission and service to the civil authorities and to our earthly masters.
SUBMISSION IN THE HOME (1Pet. 3:1-7) Home and Church SUBMISSION IN THE HOME (1Pet. 3:1-7) Peter spends the first six verses speaking to women, and verse seven to men. A. Submission (3:1). B. Consistency (3:2). C. Adornment (3:3). D. Character (3:4). E. Status (3:5,6). F. Husbands (3:7).
SUBMISSION IN THE CHURCH (1Pet. 3:8-17) Home and Church SUBMISSION IN THE CHURCH (1Pet. 3:8-17) “To sum up,” means, “as a conclusion to this section.” This may very well be the core of the letter! A. The Christian’s Life (3:8-12). B. The Christian’s Security (3:13,14). C. The Christian’s Argument (3:15-17).
Submission in the Home and Church Christians are to be submissive to the civil authorities and to earthly masters. Christians are also to be submissive in the home and in daily living. Are you ready to “give an account?” 1. Do you know the word well enough? 2. Are you living is such a way that you will suffer what is good and for wrong?