Prenatal care
Prenatal Care Obstetrician – doctor who specializes in the care of a female and the developing child Certified nurse-midwife = advanced practice nurse who specializes in delivering babies
In U.S. most births occur in hospitals Can have them at home Places to Have Birth In U.S. most births occur in hospitals Can have them at home At a Birthing Center – a facility that women with low-risk pregnancies can deliver babies in a homelike setting
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome A group of alcohol-related birth defects that includes both physical and mental problems Ex. Mental retardation, learning disabilities, slowed growth, physical deformities
Smoking During Pregnancy Accounts for 30% of low birth rates 14% of premature births 10% of all infant deaths Affects the growth, mental development, and behavior of a child
Pregnancy and Drugs Harms fetal development Serious birth defects, premature labor, and miscarriages Baby born an addict and tremble, cry, and jerk a lot
Environmental Hazards Lead – leads to miscarriage, mental disabilities, behavior problems = found in paint older than 1978 Smog – air pollution leading to defects especially during the 2nd trimester
Hazards Cont. Radiation – ionizing radiation is the type found in x-rays, affect fetal growth and cause mental retardation Cat Litter – cat feces may contain a parasite that can cause a disease called toxoplasmosis
Cat Litter Cont. Can result in miscarriage, premature labor, and health problems in newborn Cautions if Pregnant – wash hands after petting cat, have others clean litter box, wear gloves in garden where cats may have been present
Complications During Pregnancy Miscarriage – the spontaneous expulsion of a fetus that occurs before the 20th week. Stillborn – a dead fetus expelled from the body after the 20th week
Complications Cont… Ectopic Pregnancy-when the zygote implants in the fallopian tube, abdomen, ovary or cervix Preeclampsia –high blood pressure, can prevent the placenta from getting enough blood Treatment- bed rest or birth
Caesarean Section (C – Section) A surgical procedure used to deliver the baby through an incision in the abdomen Some are planned Stalled labor is most common reason (babies head is too big or cervix won’t open)