EUROSTAT ON SOCIAL MEDIA Baiba GRANDOVSKA Press Office Luxembourg, 24 April2017
2.8 bn people were using social media by the end of 2016 (up 21% from 2015) Europe: more than 400 million users, 85% on mobile Eurostat data on the EU: Participation in social networks 2016, % of population 16-74: EU 52%; highest DK (74%), SE (70%), BE and UK (69%), lowest SL (38%), FR (40%), IT (42%). Interaction, not bradcasting. You choose whom to listen to (trust). ©xkcdComic
Most popular social media sites Facebook (1.1 bn estimated unique monthly visitors) YouTube (1 bn) Twitter (310 mn) LinkedIn (255 mn) Pinterest (255 mn) Google Plus+ (120 mn) Tumblr (110 mn) Instagram (100 mn)
Eurostat Twitter
Eurostat Twitter Contents: Eurostat news and announcements news releases news items other new Eurostat products, e.g. infographics events (e.g. conferences, presentations) some (selective) contents that interest specialists/heavy users, e.g. innovative projects
Eurostat Twitter
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Eurostat Facebook Account name: Eurostat (@EurostatStatistics) Open 11 January 2017
Eurostat Facebook
Eurostat Facebook Informative and entertaining contents that general public can relate to: Publications Visualisations Articles Statistical literacy products Some innovative projects/events that could appeal to non-specialists
Eurostat Facebook 3 April: 2.8K page follows We listen and reply!