Vocabulary #5
curr/curs: to run (as in move)
ped: foot or child
flect/flex : to bend
post : after or behind
crypt/cryph hidden
Prefix: sub- under
suffix -ous possessing the qualities of
Vocabulary #5
curr/curs: to run (as in move)
occur— to happen; take place
cursory hasty, not thorough a cursory glance
current— flow, as in a river
movement of electricity current— movement of electricity
popular, new, most recent current— popular, new, most recent
ped: foot or child
pedestrian— one who travels on foot
pedal foot operated lever car pedal bike pedal
pedestal a supporting structure, piece or base
pediatrics the branch of medicine concerned with the development, care, and diseases of babies and children.
flect/flex : to bend
flex to bend, to tighten
flexible capable of being bent
inflection change in pitch or tone of voice.
reflect to cast back (light,heat,sound) to show an image of
post : after or behind
postpone delay, set back
posthumous coming after death
posterior situated behind or at the rear of
postmortem an evaluation or discussion occurring after the end or fact of something
crypt/cryph hidden
cryptic mysterious in meaning
apocryphal not authentic or false
Prefix: sub- under
substitute a person or thing acting or serving in place of another.
subordinate placed in or belonging to a lower order or rank
submarine a vessel that can be submerged and navigated under water
subsequent submerge subway submerse subscribe submit submarine subliminal subterranean subordinate
suffix -ous possessing the qualities of
courageous full of courage The Great Raid – The Philippines
sumptuous luxuriously fine or large; lavish; splendid
bounteous full of bounty
glorious marvelous hilarious fabulous ridiculous humorous laborious monotonous tremendous poisonous hazardous
crypt/cryph -ous sub- flect/flex post ped curr/curs