The EDM debate - what Tribal has learnt in the last year Wendy Clark, 13 March 2008
My background and why EDM is of interest Introduction My background and why EDM is of interest Over 17 years NHS experience - 6 years with Board level responsibility for Information, IT and Health Records Tribal Health lead Director for EDM Why we are here today MOU with ASSIST EDM and health record assignments Generate debate What we know Range of tenders over the last 12 months Understanding of what is driving organisations Consistent questions/discussion Here to give a short overview of what we have seen in the market place over the last 12 months and feedback what we have been told and debates we have engaged in. NHS experience – know first hand the issues around health records management and the frustrations of the storage and retrieval of corporate documents Tribal has experience, skills, products and services which are relevant to potential clients – end to end I am part of our Health Informatics team and we are Keen to work with ASSIST to support debate on the issues which are facing informatics staff in the NHS today We have undertaken a number of health records reviews, which have involved providing strategic advice on an EDM strategy, assisted Portsmouth to undertake a workflow analysis and impact assessment as part of their EDM deployment and talked to a number of suppliers providing records storage facilities, EDM products and consultancy support What do we know?
The last 12 months Wide variety of procurements Support to procure and implement an electronic document management system for Trust Corporate offices Review of records workflows and strategic advice on EDM Workflow analysis with impact assessment Combinations of: Off site storage Scanning service Provision of an electronic health record service We were not involved in bidding for all these assignments but did take the opportunity to talk to a broad range of individuals and organisations, so what did they tell us
What organisations are telling us Drivers Clinical and information governance Patient experience and safety The physical environment Modernisation of services Rising costs Knowledge and information management NPfIT implementation – timetable and confidence
What questions organisations are asking us What are the options - Health records / other documents / archive or workflow? Compatibility with NPfIT? What are the potential solutions? Size of price tag / VFM ? Will clinicians use the system? What are the key implementation questions? Phasing Scope Change management Information governance
Conclusions Definite change in the level of interest in EDM and options for health records management National thought leadership / direction / standards are lagging behind the service Lots of organisations are thinking the same things/asking the same questions Need for greater understanding of the supplier market place Need to share ideas and experience