IGG Agenda – 15th May 2008 Minutes from last IGG meeting 10.00 - 10.10 Review of Action Items 10.10 - 10.30 CER Update 10.30 - 11.00 Gemserv Update 11.00 – 11.10 Market Operations Update 11.10 – 11.20 Retail Market Design Service Update 11.20 – 11.40 Market Design Update 11.40 – 12.00 Application of DUoS Groups 12.00 – 12.10 Next Steps 12.10 – 12.15 1
Minutes from IGG meeting – 11th April 2008
IGG Action Items Closed IGG Actions IGG Actions carried forward: 35 Updated IGG Action List issued in advance of meeting Actions closed since last meeting: 19 IGG Actions carried forward: 35 Owner No. Suppliers 5 RMDS 18 MRSO 1 ESBN 2 CER 10 TOTAL 35 3
CER Update 4
Gemserv Update 5
Market Operations Update 6
Retail Electricity Market Issues Update Cormac Madden, RMDS 7
Market Issues Log 1 New Market Issue – No. 155 In the case of a de-energisation with meter removal on a QH site, MPs do not receive a message to confirm meter removal (331) Recommend that the market design be amended to include this change 8
Market Issues Log 1 Market Issue Closed – No. 150 The 332 message for token meters was incorrectly populated for cases such as apartments blocks where there is more than one token meter was being installed. 9
Retail Market Design Service Update C. Madden, RMDS 10
RMDS Update Agenda RMDS Service Objective Revised Outage Notification process 11
RMDS Service Objectives IGG Minutes to be distributed (within 5 days) Following the enhancement of the minutes (using the dictaphone): supplier satisfaction has increased Minutes have consistently been beyond 5 days. Having examined alternatives, RMDS request that this Service Objective be modified and a new SLA be added: Actions to be distributed within 2 working days Minutes to be distributed within 10 working days 12
Discussion Requests & Market Change Requests Cormac Madden, RMDS 13
IGG Action Item 291 - RMDS to create a Schema Release process Main Points of Schema Release process Planning for next Schema release starts at the first (IGG 1) meeting after a prior schema cut over. Schema Release date agreed by IGG 2 List prioritised of MCRs agreed by IGG 3 14
Release Planning - Outstanding MCRs MCR Number MCR Description MCR 0033 Sending 306 for all NQH De-energisations MCR 0034 Sending 307 for all NQH Re-energisations MCR 0060 New Message to contain customer details on conversion from NQH to QH 1.1 MCR 0062 New rules for MPD 1 - CoS MCR 0069 Irish language character set MCR 0078 Add Validation to use of Registered Company Number MCR 0080 Remove Meter Point Status Field from 017 Message MCR 0081 Suppliers Extranet shows Non billable devices where installed MCR 0082 Proposal to modify the Readings Processor to allow it to handle export data MCR 0084 Business rules for estimation and substitution of QH meter data to be added to MPD 15 MCR 0086 Text To be added to MPD14 to cater for Standard Profile Changes MCR 0087 Exchanged Meter Ref amendment to provide only for like for like exchanges MCR 0126 Rejection of change of usage requests DG5 to 1 or 2 where MIC is greater than 30 v1.0 MCR 0127 Decouple Connection Agreement and CoS where no COLE MCR 0130 Extra validation check required at creation of 306 and 307 messages v2.0 MCR 0152 Vulnerable Customers - Phase 3 MCR 0154 Versioning of 341 message MCR 0157 Proposal to add Acceptance / Completion / Cancellation message to Meter Works Design MCR 0159 Working Practice 0013 - Document the procedure to be used to terminate MPRNs identified as duplicates MCR 0160 Working Practice 0016 - Document the procedure to be used for like-to-like QH meter replacement 16
Release Planning Feedback Required 17
Recalculation of Estimates Cormac Madden 18
Recalculation of Estimates Consumption C > AUF/4 AND three or more estimated reads spanning at least 2 tariff years N = no. periods of unbroken estimates Time October 1st Tariff Year 2 months 19
Recalculation of Estimates Clarifications in response to feedback: Which Usage Factor? Usage factor is that preceding the actual read. Non-scheduled readings Non scheduled actual or customer reads break the sequence of estimates If an intervening CoS on an estimate has taken place: MRSO will review whether recalculation should go ahead. 20
Recalculation of Estimates Clarifications in response to feedback (contd.): Tariff Change The regulatory tariff year 1st Oct. - 31st Sept. is the best indication of a likely tariff change. Meter Clock-overs The Recalculation of Estimates will address meter clock overs. Expected Message Volumes +20,000 per billing period 21
Recalculation of Estimates Scenario 1 IF Consumption C >= AUF/4 AND 3 or more estimates AND Tariff Change AND No Change of Supplier THEN Re-estimate Scenario 2 IF Consumption C < Y=AUF/4 THEN do not recalculate Scenario 3 IF Consumption C > Y=AUF/4 AND Change of Supplier THEN Pass a work Item to MRSO 22
Discussion Request DR 0154 - Increasing the threshold for connection agreements in CoS process Circulated to the market No Feedback Approval Requested 23
Discussion Request DR 0113 - Supplier of Last Resort CER Response ESBCS as the designated Supplier of Last Resort is responsible for informing the affected customers of alternative active suppliers within the electricity market After receiving a list of affected customers, ESBCS will inform the customers within five working days. This communication will be in the form of a letter The exact contents of the letter have not yet been finalised but will be provided shortly. Approval Requested to progress to MCR 24
Proposed Discussion Request IGG Action Item 198 If MPRN is a generator the new menu button “Generator Information” would exist on the screen. Clicking this button takes the user to the following generator information (see next slides) 25
Proposed Discussion Request IGG Action Item 198 Generator Screen – Non Participant No retail market generator ID for non participants. Currently only 3 export arrangement IDs stored. If facility is extended to allow more export arrangement IDs, display will appear as in multiple generator unit IDs display on following slide 26
Proposed Discussion Request IGG Action Item 198 Generator Screen – Participant Example with 3 generator unit IDs. Example with multiple generator unit IDs. 27
Update on Action Items Action Item 278 (WP13 Duplicate MPRNs) RMDS to investigate why both suppliers are not currently being contacted as outlined in WP13 One Supplier maintains if a duplicate MPRN is registered and then de-registered as a result of ESB Networks identifying the MPRN as a duplicate, the supplier will have incurred costs signing up that MPRN and there doesn’t appear to be a mechanism to recoup these costs. 28
Action 278 (WP13) Response Specific Cases: One recent example of the dual registration issue has been identified: MRSO is reviewing this and will revert to the supplier Any provided examples will also be reviewed 29
Action 278 (WP13) Response (contd.) Working Practice This has been further amended. When there are 2 registrations: Database will recommend an MPRN for deletion based on the registration history and the technical aspects MRSO will decide which MPRN to terminate It requires approval for implementation 30
WP 13 draft v 1.4 - extract 31
Market Change Request MCR 0154 – Versioning of the 341mm Presented at last IGG Feedback from one market participant Approval Requested 32
Action 188 – Document the QA process for future versions of the schema Main Points of Schema Releases Quality Checks A file comparison between the existing and new schema prior to issuing new schema. System and Message Testing (including Regression testing) is to be completed out before IPT. 33
Application of DUoS Groups Brendan O’Connor Commercial Team, Asset Management and Regulation, ESB Networks 35
Next Steps Proposed Diary dates for IGG meetings in 2008: 26.06.2008 07.08.2008 18.09.2008 30.10.2008 11.12.2008 22.01.2009 Proposed dates are on Calendar of Events on RMDS website 36
Next Steps Propose to continue with conference call every two weeks: 29.05.2008 12.06.2008 Call details have new contingency PIN No: Number: 01-6647602 PIN : 77640 Contingency number remains: 01-6647777 New PIN: 80490 37
Thank You 38