Drawing lessons from the past and suggestions for the future Next MFF: Drawing lessons from the past and suggestions for the future 23.10.2018 - EESC Sabrina Ferraina, Policy Manager (EASPD)
Represents 17.000 support services in Europe EASPD Established in 1996 Represents 17.000 support services in Europe Mission: promote equal opportunities through high quality support service systems Accredited to the conference of States Parties to the UN CRPD EASPD is part of the European Expert Group on transition from institutional to community-based care (EEG)
Key areas in which reforms are needed Delivery of community-based care systems Development of services in rural areas Training and re-training of staff Innovation (co-production, person-centred planning, etc.) New support systems to meet new needs Digitalisation
Sustain the sector in periods of cuts Complement national resources EU funds Main use of ESIF Sustain the sector in periods of cuts Complement national resources Boost innovative practices Other EU funds (Horizon Europe, Digital Europe, Erasmus+, Solidarity Corps, etc.) Reseach in the sector (collection of data) Lifelong learning Uptake of assistive technology
Lack of coordination across sectors Some pressing needs at national level Austria Lack of coordination across sectors Different understanding of community-based care and re-institutionalisation Bulgaria Staffing issues Lack of support services to support persons with disabilities on employment Legislative reforms on social services and on persons with disabilities
More information on needs of children with disabilities National messages Finland More information on needs of children with disabilities Review implementation of laws Not enough job coaches and support systems to bring people in the open labour market Need for stronger cooperation with users (co-production, capacity building, etc.) Greece Lack of know-how and standards for staff in education Need to shift from charity to rights-based approach
Lack of concrete action plans in education sector National messages Romania Lack of concrete action plans in education sector Accessibility of education systems in the community of origin Spain and Portugal Deinstitutionalisation hampered by the lack of adequate legislative reforms Need to focus on rural areas Development of one-stop shops
Promote implementation of supported employment National messages Slovakia Long-term unemployment and poor adaptation of educational programmes to usable and concrete skills Promote implementation of supported employment Redirection of funding to individuals and support
Concluding observations The provision of support services has huge difference between and within countries The transition and the development of community-based care services faces many obstacles with concrete risks of re-institutionalisation and fragmentation of society Adequate, accessible, affordable and adaptable support systems are the way forward to promote enjoyment of rights Better cooperation between different sectors (education and employment, health and social sector, etc.) is needed.
Monitoring of funds use and expenditure should be improved Recommendations ESIF can promote positive developments when supported by strong legal frameworks Monitoring of funds use and expenditure should be improved Improve access and management of funds by smaller organisations
EASPD position on next Multiannual Financial Framework Information EASPD report on the European Semester and the European Pillar of Social Rights EASPD position on next Multiannual Financial Framework
sabrina.ferraina@easpd.eu www.easpd.eu