Learning Enhancement and Development (LEaD) Support for Research Students Professor Pam Parker- Deputy Director
Learning Enhancement and Development (LEaD) Learning Development Student Counselling and Mental Health Services Learning Success Student facing specialist services Staff facing development
Academic team Learning Development Peer review support for teaching Learning, teaching and assessment advice with a focus on student centred and engagement Advice about posters and conference presentations Peer review support for teaching Development for teaching through modules of the MA Academic Practice Academic team Research and evaluation of teaching approaches
Educational Technology team Learning Development Teacher development around using technology in teaching User needs analysis, scoping and development of educational technology Evaluation, review and research Educational Technology team
Learning Success team The Disability Service: working with disabled students including those with physical and sensory disabilities, long term medical conditions and autistic spectrum diagnoses The Neurodiversity Service: working with neurodiversity and learning difference The Academic Learning Support Service: working with students at all levels of study to increase effectiveness of study and enhance educational achievement
Student Counselling and Mental Health team Students who are encountering persistent, or emerging difficulties relating to academic problems, relationships or any other problems that impact on them Students with mental health diagnoses or ongoing mental health concerns are entitled to receive mentoring and continuing support from the Student Mental Health Service Academic staff with concerns about a student are welcome to approach us for advice and support in managing what can be complex relationships Student Counselling and Mental Health team
LEaD Service Development Team MA Academic Practice modules Learning @ City Conference Institutional workshop support ie personal tutoring and peer supported review of education Works in partnership with colleagues to offer an established collective of events to support staff and postgraduate students in their teaching Learning Development Learning Success Student Counselling and Mental Health Services LEaD Service Development Team