Research Project: Intensive Intervention for Students with Learning Disabilities Lynn McLaughlin and Mike Wilcox October 2016.


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Presentation transcript:

Research Project: Intensive Intervention for Students with Learning Disabilities Lynn McLaughlin and Mike Wilcox October 2016

Ministry of Education Consultations for Demonstration Schools – 2016 The Provincial Demonstration Schools provide educational programs for students with severe learning disabilities. Students are referred from their school boards. Consultations were done by the Ministry of Education in the spring of 2016. Areas that were identified as needing improvement in school boards included: Addressing delays in Assessments; The need for earlier, accessible and effective intervention practices; The need for increased availability and consistent use of technology and training for both staff and students on how to use this technology; The need for increased and enhanced social and emotional well-being programming. The length of stay at a provincial demonstration school is up to two years in the regular program or one year in our A.D.H.D. /L.D. program. Since provincial demonstration schools are designed to serve as a resource to school boards, rather than to function as a separate education system, every effort is made to help the student return as soon as possible to an appropriate program in his/her local community. Transition plans are prepared and follow-up is provided for students when they return to their home school boards. The purpose of the provincial demonstration schools is to provide a specialized residential school program for students with severe learning disabilities whose educational needs cannot be adequately met in their local boards. The provincial demonstration schools provide highly individualized instruction, counseling, social skills and self-advocacy training to enable students to function effectively when they return to their home schools. Also, consulting services and teacher training in the field of learning disabilities are provided to school boards to assist them in developing local programs for students with learning disabilities.

The Ministry of Education announced that over a three year period (2016 – 2019), pilots will be developed in Southwestern Ontario to test efficacy of intensive reading interventions for students with severe learning disabilities in reading. Empower is the reading intervention program that is used in our demonstration schools and has been selected for the project. GECDSB was selected as one of the Boards to participate. $150,000 for each of the three years has been committed to our students. Our research project will focus on students beginning grade three who meet the established criteria for selection……

Background: Local Context GECDSB currently has: 12 elementary schools using the Empower Program, 4 elementary schools using the LEXIA Reading Core 5; An early intervention focus – Response to Intervention Plans have been implemented in every elementary school; A steering committee for Learning Disabilities which is now in its third year. We have presented our work internationally and continue to do so; An exceptional partnership with the Learning Disability Association of Ontario. Lexia Reading Core5 supports educators in providing differentiated literacy instruction for students of all abilities in grades pre-K–5. Lexia’s research-proven program provides explicit, systematic, personalized learning in the six areas of reading instruction, targeting skill gaps as they emerge, and providing teachers with the data and student specific resources they need.

Ministry of Education Pilot Schools Selected Empower Empower and Lexia   Vista Giles Northwood Marlborough Dougal Talbot Trail Begley King Edward Ford City Prince Edward

Criteria for Selection of Students/Admission into the Pilot: All GECDSB students complete the Insight Assessment (formerly known as the Canadian Test of Cognitive Schools CTCS) during their grade 2 year. The Crystalized Knowledge Scores are the strongest predictor of basic reading skills, reading comprehension skills and abilities.  Students who scored below 69 are the greatest concern and have been identified as potential candidates. Students may or may not be identified by IPRC, but will have the profile of a student with a Learning Disability. There is a specific discrepancy between academic achievement and assessed intellectual ability; Very weak academic achievement, particularly in reading skills. Spelling and writing would also be affected School Based Team has implemented interventions with limited or no success.  

Additional Components Plan for Technology Support Literacy Instruction Reinforcement During the School Day Socio-Emotional Development: Self Advocacy Plan for demission, Transition into and out of the program Professional Learning Data Collection

Moving Forward The LSTs from the 10 schools have been trained in Empower and have received all resources. Selection of students is complete. Consent forms are currently being sent home to parents/guardians. Lexia training for the 5 selected schools is scheduled for October 12th. By the third week of October, all schools will be well on their way. Data collection will occur throughout the school year. The Ministry appointed research team will be actively visiting our sites. After analysis of the results of the 2016/17 school year, we will amend our plan for 17/18 and 18/19.