Dow Jones Industrial Average 1901 - 2007 THE REAL PICTURE OF VOLATILITY DJIA 8.89% 65% of years + 35% of years - or flat 46% of years were “Double Digit” positive returns 48% of years had returns + or – 16% or more Only 6 years returned 5% - 10% Past performance is no guarantee of future results. As presented by Crestmont Research ( The Dow Jones Industrial Average is a price-weighted average of 30 significant stocks traded on the NYSE and the Nasdaq. Provided courtesy of Pruco Life Insurance Company (in New York, Pruco Life Insurance Company of New Jersey) both located in Newark, NJ, or by Prudential Annuities Life Assurance Corporation, Shelton, CT, as well as Prudential Annuities Distributors, Inc., Shelton, CT. All are Prudential Financial companies. The views expressed are those of Federated Investors, Inc. They are subject to change at any time. These views do not necessarily reflect the view of the Prudential Financial companies. Federated Investors, Inc. is not affiliated with any of the Prudential Financial companies FOR INSTITUTIONAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION TO THE PUBLIC. FEDERATED SECURITIES, CORP. DISTRIBUTOR 36036 (2/08) IFS-A126334 Ed. 03/2008