The Honoured Teacher of Ukraine Teacher of the Year 1997 V. Gatalska The Honoured Teacher of Ukraine
Excellence in Teaching 1997 Teacher of the Year 1997 V. Gatalska Excellence in Teaching 1997
All Ukrainian Contests Teacher of the Year 1997 V. Gatalska All Ukrainian Contests The winner of All-National Contest of creation of digital English courses, 2012 The Teacher of the Year 1997, Kyiv, the 2nd place
Teacher of the Year 1997 V. Gatalska US-Ukraine Awards for Excellence in Teaching V. Gatalska Semi-finalist of the contest 1997 National winner of the contest 1998
Teacher of the Year 1997 V. Gatalska Innovative Teacher 2004
The Patent: Methods of Teaching Teacher of the Year 1997 V. Gatalska Invention Patent 2003 The Patent: Methods of Teaching
Professional Development Seminar Teacher of the Year 1997 V. Gatalska Professional Development Seminar
eTwinning Quality Labels Teacher of the Year 1997 V. Gatalska eTwinning Quality Labels
eTwinning Quality Labels Teacher of the Year 1997 V. Gatalska eTwinning Quality Labels
eTwinning Quality Labels Teacher of the Year 1997 V. Gatalska eTwinning Quality Labels
eTwinning Quality Labels Teacher of the Year 1997 V. Gatalska eTwinning Quality Labels
eTwinning Quality Labels Teacher of the Year 1997 V. Gatalska eTwinning Quality Labels
eTwinning Quality Labels Teacher of the Year 1997 V. Gatalska eTwinning Quality Labels