January 15, 2017 9:00PM Farnsworth Senate January 15, 2017 9:00PM Farnsworth
Agenda Introduction of SB11- Working Group to Explore Undergraduate Curriculum SA Internal Positions Presentation Senior Bylaws Amendment introduction SA Best Practices Presentation Academic Freedom and Expressions Working Group Presentation Discussion- diversity and inclusion Appointments USC Rep Approval Director of Elections Announcements- elections
Discussion In honor of MLK Day Is Rice diverse and inclusive? What is going well? What should be improved? How can the Student Association foster diversity and inclusion?
Appointments CUC: Thresa Skeslien-Jenkins Examinations and Standings: Amy Kuritzky Director of Elections: McKinzie Chambers
Elections January 29, 9PM - Present election timeline & info to Senate, election packets available February 5, 11:59PM - Election Packet due to SA office, statements due February 12, 9PM - Senate votes on the ballot February 12, 10PM - campaigning begins after senate approves ballot February 22 - February 26- voting period February 27, 12PM - election results announced