Project: IEEE P802.19 Coexistence TAG May 2003 Project: IEEE P802.19 Coexistence TAG Submission Title: Initial coexistence observations on 802.15.3a proposals Date Submitted: 15 May, 2003 Source: Jim Lansford, Company Mobilian Corporation Address 7431 NW Evergreen Pkwy, Hillsboro, OR 97124 Voice:+1 405 377 6170, FAX: +1 425 671 6099, E-Mail: Re: Abstract: 802.15.3a has received a significant number of proposals for a high rate WPAN PHY; one of the criteria as part of the downselection process is coexistence. Since these systems will be sharing the spectrum with other systems based on IEEE standards, an acceptable coexistence strategy is important. This presentation offers some initial observations of the proposals that were presented in March 2003. Purpose: For discussion Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.19. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.19. Jim Lansford, Mobilian
Some initial coexistence observations on 802.15.3a proposals May 2003 Some initial coexistence observations on 802.15.3a proposals Jim Lansford, Chair 802.19 Coexistence TAG Chief Technical Officer, Mobilian Corporation +1 405 377 6170 Jim Lansford, Mobilian
Status Most presentations have at least a brief section on coexistence May 2003 Status Most presentations have at least a brief section on coexistence Thank you! Companies began teaming up before initial proposals Proposals vary in their level of detail on coexistence Some merely “check off the box” Some have more in-depth discussion Few offer any detailed analysis 802.19 has not done a detailed review of the proposals yet Completing “Coexistence Guideline” document that describes process This presentation is just some initial observations Jim Lansford, Mobilian
802.15.3a proposals teams Intel, et al (name?) Xtreme, et al (name?) May 2003 802.15.3a proposals teams Intel, et al (name?) Intel Time Domain Discrete Time General Atomics Wisair Philips FOCUS Enhancements Samsung Xtreme, et al (name?) Xtreme Spectrum Motorola TI Others (with apologies) This does not reflect teaming since March---please update us! Jim Lansford, Mobilian
Summary – Intel, et al Multi-band approach May 2003 Summary – Intel, et al Unexpected Interferer 3.1 10.6 Sacrifice 1 band for coexistence (dependent upon geographical location) Multi-band approach Makes setting frequency “notches” easier Adds complexity vs single band Time Domain presentation was good summary of interference issues Did not see analysis of UWB as victim of 11a Converse of laptop collocation problem Jim Lansford, Mobilian
May 2003 Summary – Xtreme, et al BPSK single channel, with variable frequency and bandwidth Uses coding to vary data rate Coexistence with 11a through filtering Could use more analysis in backup Jim Lansford, Mobilian
Summary - TI Only OFDM proposal May 2003 Summary - TI Only OFDM proposal NB interference performance well documented Needs more backup, but in general OFDM spectrum is “tighter” than UWB Jim Lansford, Mobilian
Other proposals 802.19 has not had time to evaluate other proposals May 2003 Other proposals 802.19 has not had time to evaluate other proposals We will continue to review in ad hoc conference calls between meetings Some of these are complete solutions, some are commentaries on UWB technology in general 802.19 will continue to work with 802.15.3a to complete the review as you move toward downselection Jim Lansford, Mobilian
Summary Coexistence issues are important! May 2003 Summary Coexistence issues are important! Some good work has been done on 15.3a proposal as interferer For your own downselection process, advise you also consider proposal as victim Collocation with 11a will occur in practice Thanks for your continued assistance; we will need more help from you in the future! Jim Lansford, Mobilian