LHC Tier 2 Networking BOF Joe Metzger metzger@es.net Joint Techs Vancouver 2005
LHC: Accelerator at CERN. Used by physicists from around the world. http://www.ilrasoiodioccam.it/articoli/lhc.html
North American LHC Site Hierarchy Tier 0 CERN Tier 1 Regional Archive & Analysis US Brookhaven ATLAS FERMI CMS Canada TRIUMF ATLAS Tier 2 Analysis Centers Universities
Data Challenges SC1: initial tests between some Tier-1 sites and CERN. Datafiles transported from disk to disk using globus_url_copy. Date: December 2004. Result: tests were done with BNL, CCIN2P3, Fermilab, FZK and SARA. SC2: sustained file transfers with an aggregated rate of 500 MByte/sec out of CERN. Disk to disk using software components from the radiant service at CERN. Participating sites: CCIN2P3, CNAF, Fermilab, FZK, RAL, SARA. Date: last two weeks of March 2005. SC3: sustained file transfer simultaneously to 6 Tier-1 sites. Disk to tape (at 60 MByte/sec) using SRM. Participating sites: CCIN2P3, CNAF, Fermilab, FZK, RAL, SARA. Date: July 2005. http://lcg.web.cern.ch/LCG/PEB/gdb/ServiceChallenges.htm
Data Challenges SC4: sustained file transfer simultaneously to all 10 Tier-1 and some Tier-2 sites. Inclusion of data processing on farms at CERN and at the Tier-1 sites. Date: Q4 2005 SC5: the whole infrastructure of Tier-1 and Tier-2 sites in place. Simulated data movements between all partners. Date: Q1 2006 SC6: test of the whole infrastructure at twice the nominal rate. Date: Q2 2006 SC7: test of the whole infrastructure with real (cosmic) data from the experiments http://lcg.web.cern.ch/LCG/PEB/gdb/ServiceChallenges.htm
ATLAS Tier 2 Sites BNL University of Texas at Arlington University of Oklahoma University of New Mexico Langston University University of Chicago Indiana University Boston University Harvard University University of Michigan http://lcg.web.cern.ch/LCG/PEB/gdb/LCG-Tiers.htm
CMS Tier 2 Sites FERMI MIT University of Florida, Gainesville University of Nebraska, Lincoln University of Wisconsin, Madison Caltech Purdue University University of California, San Diego http://lcg.web.cern.ch/LCG/PEB/gdb/LCG-Tiers.htm
ATLAS Tier 2 Sites TRIUMF University of Victoria WestGrid University of Alberta University of Toronto Carleton University University de Monreal http://lcg.web.cern.ch/LCG/PEB/gdb/LCG-Tiers.htm
Data Challenge Survey Sent to Network contacts at Universities Questions Expected 05 Data Rates for long flows Expected 06 Data Rates for long flows Upstream Provider Light Paths Contact Info
ATLAS Tier 2 Sites BNL 2005 2006 Texas 200-500 Mbps 500-1000 Mbps Oklahoma New Mexico Langston Chicago 100-500 Mbps Indiana 100-1000 Mbps Boston Michigan 10 Gbps Harvard
CMS Tier 2 Sites FERMI 2005 2006 MIT Florida Nebraska Wisconsin Caltech 1+ Gbps Purdue UCSD
Tier 2 Light Path Plans U Texas U Chicago Indiana U. Caltech No U Chicago Initially not, though we do have capabilities to do so. At UC, we connect to Starlight via optical links provided by I-WIRE. Indiana U. Initially not, though we do have capabilities to do so. Caltech We'll experiment on-demand network path setup dynamically using Monalisa service agents and GMPLS. U Michigan We are an UltraLight collaborating site and will utilize dedicated light-paths, QoS/MPLS and high-performance protocols (like FAST) to do our Service Challenge work.
Summary Synopsis of LHC Tier 2 Networking Web Page Mailing list to discuss US LHC networking. lhc-us-net@es.net Send message to listserver@listmin.es.net with a subject of “subscribe lhc-us-net”