Prototype Fabrication, Economic, & Test Plan QDR Aether Aerospace AAE 451 October 24, 2006 Mark Davis Ashley Gordon Hank Kneitz Ryan Mulligan Joshua Rodewald Brandon Wampler Mathieu Hautier Samantha Pearcy
Overview Mission Requirements Review Schedule and Deadlines Concept Aircraft – Aether Angry Mosquito Internal Name – The Cudapotamus Schedule and Deadlines Economic Plan Flight Test Plan January 16, 2019 AAE 451, Aether Aerospace
Mission Requirements Review & Concept Aircraft High speed flight over 500 ft straightaway Seven minutes of endurance at loiter Dutch roll damping ratio greater than 0.8 $250 budget January 16, 2019 AAE 451, Aether Aerospace
Deadlines and Deliverables Th. Oct 19 Th. Oct 26 Tu. Oct 31 Th. Nov 16 Tu. Nov 21 Tu. Dec 5 Th. Dec 7 Fri. Dec 8 Order Parts Critical Design Review Design Frozen!!! Construction Begins Thiokol Final Design Report Due Flight Readiness Review Flight Testing Begins First Official Flight at McAllister Park Final Report Addendum: Lessons Learned & Vehicle Summary Due LL & VS Presentation Aircraft & Equipment Secure, Course Ends January 16, 2019 AAE 451, Aether Aerospace
Prototype Fabrication Schedule Week 1 Oct. 30 – Nov. 5 Week 2 Nov. 5 – Nov. 12 Week 3 Nov. 13 – Nov. 16 Component collection and testing – propulsion system and electronic parts, etc. Build foam fuselage using CNC, sand and finish Build foam wing and v-tail using the hotwire, sand and finish Fiberglass the fuselage shell and remove some of the foam Cut out space in the fuselage for the wings and re-fiberglass Affix the tail spars to the fuselage and the rear gear system Insert the structural rods into the wing Create the wing control surfaces Create the tail control surfaces Assemble the wings, landing gear, fuselage and tail Insert the propulsion system Assemble the wiring system January 16, 2019 AAE 451, Aether Aerospace
Economic Plan – Parts and Materials ** Note: this total cost includes items that are not chargeable towards the budget January 16, 2019 AAE 451, Aether Aerospace
Economic Plan – Team Hours Blues are current hours Reds are projected hours January 16, 2019 AAE 451, Aether Aerospace
Economic Plan - Team Hours Total team-hours (to-date) 1038 hours Total Avg. man-hours 124.83 hours/man Total Avg. woman-hours ** where 1 woman-hour = 1.7 man-hours 144.25 hours/woman where 144.25 x 1.7 = 245.23 hours/woman Total future (projected) hours 2431 hours Total Project hours 3470 hours January 16, 2019 AAE 451, Aether Aerospace
Economic Plan – Total Cost Development Area Cost Parts and Materials $ 771.67 Man-hours (@$35/hour) $ 121,450.00 TOTAL $ 122,221.67 January 16, 2019 AAE 451, Aether Aerospace
Flight Test Plan Flight tests will begin Thursday, Nov. 16 All tests will be performed outside Flight # Objective 1 Takeoff & Climb, Landing or Durability 2 Takeoff & Climb, Unpowered Glide 3 Maneuverability and Control 4 Turning and Loiter, Endurance 5 Straight Line High Speed 6 Straight Line High Speed Optimization January 16, 2019 AAE 451, Aether Aerospace
Questions? The Angry Mosquito January 16, 2019 AAE 451, Aether Aerospace