A strategy in learning new words… Vocabulary Stories A strategy in learning new words…
Opportunist – (n.) one who takes advantage of every opportunity, regardless of the consequences. Always an opportunist, Tallulah decided to try and start the new school year off by trying to fit in with everybody else in hopes of making new friends.
Anonymous – (adj.) having no known name or origin; On the first day of school, Tallulah decided to wear her new jeans and a teal Hollister shirt thinking that she would blend right in anonymously.
Invariably – (adv.) constantly; always. Regardless of how ordinary her clothes looked, her height, hair, and piercings invariably attracted the attention of her classmates, who all started to stare as soon as she walked into her classes.
And so the story begins… There was once a teen named Tallulah. Unfortunately, Tallulah was not a very popular girl. Other students found her bright purple Mohawk, black lipstick and pierced eyebrows coupled with her 5’10” height to be ominous. But Tallulah was only trying to show her creative personality. She really didn’t understand why people were so tentative to approach her. As you can imagine, Tallulah had very few friends and was very lonely. This year, however, she was eagerly awaiting school to commence since she would be going to Englishville High School. In her mind, it was a golden opportunity to start over.