What it is What it Means in Choir How you are Graded at Choir Concerts Professionalism What it is What it Means in Choir How you are Graded at Choir Concerts
What makes the difference between an amateur and a professional? Have them discuss with a partner.
Amateur Professional Brain-storm as a class.
Dictionary Definition pro·fes·sion·al·ism noun: the skill, good judgment, and polite behavior that is expected from a person who is trained to do a job well. Examples: A high level of professionalism is expected when working with clients. She is highly respected for her professionalism. Merriam-Webster Dictionary, Online
Mr. B’s Definition Skill: Doing something really well. Appearance/Behavior: Using the clothes, tools, language, actions, etc. that is expected of the very best in a certain activity. Recognition: Being recognized by others as being one of the best, either by praise or money or both.
What makes a choir professional?
What makes a choir professional? Performing really well in each area: Pitches, Timing, Tone/Vowels, Expression Using appropriate clothing, language, and behavior Getting a reputation for both of the above.
Why do I Care? Choir is one of the major “public images” of John Adams Academy. Parents, future scholars and community members judge our school based on things like a choir performance.
Your grade for the concert is based on your level of professionalism Also... Your grade for the concert is based on your level of professionalism Concerts are worth 20% of your semester grade.
How to be Professional in Choir Concerts Wear the right clothing. Bring the right materials. Leave distractions at home. Come earlier than your call time to make sure everything is ready and to get focused. Be ready by sitting in your assigned place and not being distracted. Use extra time to think through your songs.
Take notes as well you can… Be respectful to other performers by listening and not talking during their performance. When it is your turn, file up to the risers Keep the line even and straight. Don’t talk, look around too much, or draw attention. Follow the line directly to your spot. Then stand at attention until the music starts.
Take notes as well you can… During the performance: Stand pretty still with good posture. Avoid scratching, adjusting hair, touching your face. DON’T TALK! DON’T TURN TO YOUR NEIGHBOR! Don’t do anything more than smile at friends/family. Use lots of energy; focus it on your singing and expressions. Look happy. Enjoy getting into the song. Keep your professionalism between songs!
Take notes as well you can… After the last song: Keep your professionalism! Don’t bow or wave or anything else. Just smile to show your appreciation for the applause. Professionally file off the risers following the line back to your seat. Don’t talk to anyone until you get back to your seat. And then, make sure you don’t talk while another group is performing.
Grading Rubric for Choir Concerts 35-40 Points: Was well prepared, participated energetically, acted professionally. 30-35 Points: Pretty well prepared, participated but not with energy, and/or was a little unprofessional. 25-30 Points: Not very well prepared, did not totally participate, and/or acted unprofessionally. 20-25 Points: Unprepared, didn’t participate some of the time, and/or acted unprofessionally multiple times. 15-20 Points: Very unprepared, didn’t participate a lot of the time, and/or acted unprofessionally a lot of the time.
Enjoy the Experience!
Professionalism Quiz
#1 What clothing should you wear to your performance? Casual clothing (eg. jeans & t-shirt) Black and white concert clothes JAA Uniform Formal Wear (eg. tuxedo)
#2 True or False? You must sit in your assigned seat before and after you go up to the risers
#3 What should you do if you want to say a comment to someone else while watching a choir perform? Say it to them right then in a normal speaking tone. Text it to them right then and there. Whisper it to them. Wait until the song is over and then say it to them.
#4 Which of these is not something you should do while filing up to the risers to perform? Softly hum one of the songs. Keep the line straight and even. Refrain from looking around too much. Refrain from any talking or horsing around.
#5 True or False? It is okay to quickly say something to your neighbor while performing on the risers as long as it is before or after a song.
#6 What should you do if someone waves or calls out to you while you are up on the risers? Wave back. Make a funny face. Point out the person who is waving at you to your neighbor up on the risers. Just smile back at them.
#7 While performing songs, which of these should you not do? Use appropriate facial expressions. Sit down if you start feeling faint. Add in hand motions or movements that you haven’t approved first with Mr. B. Use lots of energy in your singing.
#8 What should you do after a song ends? Keep standing at attention. Smile at the audience to show your appreciation for their applause. Bow to the audience as much as you like to show your appreciation. Talk to your neighbor about how you think it went. Walk off the risers right away.
#9 Which should you not do as you file off the risers? Wait for Mr. B’s signal and then follow the line. Keep straight lines with no gaps. Refrain from talking or looking around too much. Go and sit where ever you want.
#10 What percentage of your semester grade are the two concerts combined worth? -- or -- How many points is each concert worth?