April 6 – 7, 2006 Laudon Castle, Vienna Meeting of Directors of Schools and Institutes of Public Administration (DSIPA) April 6 – 7, 2006 Laudon Castle, Vienna
Exchange of opinions between directors of schools and institutes MEETING OF DIRECTORS OF SCHOOLS AND INSTITUTES OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION (DSIPA) Exchange of opinions between directors of schools and institutes Twice a year hosted by the respective EU-Presidency
No progressional work plan MEETING OF DIRECTORS OF SCHOOLS AND INSTITUTES OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION (DSIPA) Main concern of these meetings is the bridging between public services throughout EU member states No progressional work plan
European Reciprocal Training Programme MEETING OF DIRECTORS OF SCHOOLS AND INSTITUTES OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION (DSIPA) Example for a favorable enduring cooperation in the field of schools and institutes of public administration: European Reciprocal Training Programme Exists since 1970 relaunch in 2004 Target group: policy makers and experts (that go to Brussels or stay in their country)
Objectives of the study visits: MEETING OF DIRECTORS OF SCHOOLS AND INSTITUTES OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION (DSIPA) Objectives of the study visits: Give information about the member states Exchange of expertise and best practice Development and expansion of networks of experts and counterparts on specific (EU) dossiers Creating more awareness of the European dimension in policymaking and policy delivery with a practical hands-on approach
Austria arranges a study visit in November 15 – 17, 2006 MEETING OF DIRECTORS OF SCHOOLS AND INSTITUTES OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION (DSIPA) Austria arranges a study visit in November 15 – 17, 2006 No attendance fee will be charged
Principal theme: e-Learning MEETING OF DIRECTORS OF SCHOOLS AND INSTITUTES OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION (DSIPA) Conference of European Heads of Schools and Institutes on April 6 – 7, 2006 Venue: the meeting is hold at Laudon Castle, the only water castle in Vienna, where the Public Management Center is based. Principal theme: e-Learning Working languages: German, English and French Currently there are 32 registrations from 17 member states and the European Commission (EAS) and EIPA
16:00 Words of Welcome and Introduction MEETING OF DIRECTORS OF SCHOOLS AND INSTITUTES OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION (DSIPA) Thursday, April 6, 2006 16:00 Words of Welcome and Introduction Klaus HARTMANN, Director of Public Management Center Premises and Areas of Application for e-Learning Programmes in the Public Service Heidrun STROHMEYER, Director General, Ministry of Education, Science and Culture
16:40 Educational and Organizational Aspects of e-Learning MEETING OF DIRECTORS OF SCHOOLS AND INSTITUTES OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION (DSIPA) 16:40 Educational and Organizational Aspects of e-Learning Keynote Speaker: Peter BAUMGARTNER, FernUniversitaet in Hagen (Germany), Department of Educational Science and Media Research Discussion 18:30 Pre-dinner musical programme Dinner in the banqueting hall
MEETING OF DIRECTORS OF SCHOOLS AND INSTITUTES OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION (DSIPA) Friday, April 7, 2006 9:30 Reports on the Realization of e-Learning Programmes: Designing and Implementing e-Learning Projects: Bridging the Gap between different Types of Know-How Erika LADURNER, Software Engineer and Project Manager “Eurospeak Online”– A Tailor-Made e-Learning Programme for the Austrian Civil Service to Develop English Language and Communication Skills in an EU Context. Andrea STEINER & Sue NORRIS, English Communication Skills Trainers and Content Designers for e-Learning Programmes Examples of e-Learning Programmes from Finland, France and UK Presentations of 15 minutes
MEETING OF DIRECTORS OF SCHOOLS AND INSTITUTES OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION (DSIPA) Eurospeak Online An integrated e-Learning programme for English language and communication skills training The educational goals are imbeded in the presentation of various European themes
The eduactional goals of the e-Learning programme are: MEETING OF DIRECTORS OF SCHOOLS AND INSTITUTES OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION (DSIPA) The eduactional goals of the e-Learning programme are: To enhance reading and listening comprehension Vocabulary and technical terms Grammar Communication skills
The EU Context is incorporated in ten different modules, e.g. MEETING OF DIRECTORS OF SCHOOLS AND INSTITUTES OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION (DSIPA) The EU Context is incorporated in ten different modules, e.g. International relations and international organizations Austria and the EU Organization and Development of the EU EU bodies and institutions EU decision- and law-making process The basic principles of EU law, etc.
Integrating Public Administration into Foreign MEETING OF DIRECTORS OF SCHOOLS AND INSTITUTES OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION (DSIPA) 11:45 Working Groups: Integrating Public Administration into Foreign Language Training in e-Learning Programmes Issues around Setting Up an e-Learning Project 12:30 Plenary feedback Report on the Progress of the NESIPA Website Outlook to the next DSIPA meeting hosted by Finland