Did You Know Social Issues in KY
26.3% of teens in KY report using tobacco.
KY ranks 12th in obesity 31.6% of our citizens are overweight.
Kentucky has one of the worst obesity rates in the US. 18 Kentucky has one of the worst obesity rates in the US. 18.4% of high school students are considered obese.
Alcohol Over 15 million Americans are dependent on alcohol Alcohol Over 15 million Americans are dependent on alcohol. 500,000 are between the age of 9 and 12.
of students say they’ve been bullied. 77%
Cyber Space Bullying More than 40% of students say they have been a victim of cyber bullying.
Homeless Rural homelessness is often invisible Homeless Rural homelessness is often invisible. According to the US Department of Agriculture, most rural people who become homeless are likely to live doubled and tripled up with families in substandard housing.
Almost 25 % of KY children under the age of 18 live in poverty
Foster Care 7,825 children are in the foster care system in Kentucky.
KY ranks 47th in poor mental days.
KY ranks 7th in teen birth rates.
Education: KY is below national average in high school graduation and college degrees.