PURPOSE: MEET THE CADET CORPS LOCATION: WOODRIDGE BAPTIST CHURCH TX-20092 AFJROTC LOCK-IN PURPOSE: MEET THE CADET CORPS LOCATION: WOODRIDGE BAPTIST CHURCH WHO IS INVITED: ANY CURRENT 8TH GRADERS AND CURRENT HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS INTERESTED IN JOINING AIR FORCE JUNIOR ROTC IN THE FALL AND ALL CURRENT CADETS The lock-in is an event for those potential cadets and current cadets to get together to begin building relationships and encourage growth in our JROTC Program. WHAT WILL TAKE PLACE: Team building games, console VIDEO GAMES of all kinds, pool tournaments, table tennis, and basketball; fun physical activities as well as FREE FOOD. This is an all night event with no sleeping. If you attend this event; you will look forward to attending next year’s Lock-In. TIME: MAY 16th, ARRIVAL 8 PM FRIDAY NIGHT AND BE PICKED UP BY PARENTS at 6:00 AM SATURDAY MORNING SECURITY: WOODRIDGE BAPTIST CHURCH SECURITY AND PARENT CHAPERONES Students will not be allowed outside or into areas of the church not being supervised by adults once they arrive and will not be allowed to exit until the arrival of parent or guardian at 6 AM. This will be a safe fun event for all including parents! All activities are designed so that every student can participate and enjoy themselves. If you would like to attend reserve your position now! This form is required for anyone attending. No open food or drink containers permitted! Valuables such as phone will be secured by chaperones. __________________________ _______________________ _________ PRINTED FIRST NAME PRINTED LAST NAME MIDDLE INITIAL _______________________ ______________________ _________________________ PARENTS PRINTED FIRST NAME PARENTS PRINTED LAST NAME PARENT SIGNATURE My student ______________________________ has my permission to participate in the AFJROTC Lock-In being held at Woodridge Baptist Church. I understand that the doors will be secured at 8 pm Friday May 16th and I am to pick up my student at6 am on Saturday morning May 17th. I am providing the following emergency number in case my student should be required to be picked up during the event. EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBER IS _________________________ AND AN ALTERNATE NUMBER IS _______________________. THIS DOCUMENT IS TO SERVE AS THE RELEASE FORM FOR YOUR STUDENT TO ATTEND. Please RSVP that your student wishes to attend by May 1st. We can be contacted by phone 281-641-6792 or email at Johnny.Nail@humble.k12.tx.us or by returning this form to KPARK HS. The form must be hand carried to the event if email or phone contacts are used to make the reservation. This form can also be found at http://kparkafjrotc.org.