Chapter 9 Campaigns, Nominations, Elections AP U.S. Government
Who wants to be candidate? Self starters Those recruited by the party Nomination process: (President) Primary- selects delegates to attend the party’s national convention, which in turn nominates the Pres. Candidate Caucus- a closed neighborhood meeting of party members who begin the process that will elect delegates -> higher level meeting -> state convention that actually selects the national convention delegates
Qualifications Age requirements: House- 25 yrs of age, Senate- 30 yrs old, Pres.- 35 yrs old Complete list p. 291
21st Century Campaigns Professional campaigns Financing Hire consultants Increase visibility and appeal Media Opinion polls Focus groups Financing Hatch Act, 1939 Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA 1971) + Amend. Bipartisan Campaign Finance Reform Act 2002 Soft money – contributions unregulated (fund general activities) Hard money – regulated
Campaign Financing con’t. Before 1971-74- no restrictions on money given to parties for voter registration and general publicity. (soft money) Issue Advocacy- tactic by interest groups to buy advertising that advocates positions on issues and either attack or praise candidates on the issues… as long as no candidate endorsed it is legal BCRA 2002- limits issue advocacy ads and indiv. Contributions $2000 p. 302 Will hurt ability of parties to help candidates Will help incumbents who are less likely to need the ads Http:// Campaign_Reform_Act_of_2002 How much can contribute?
PAC’s, Woll p. 278 PAC- Political Action Committee- set up by and representing a corporation, labor union, or special interest group… raise and give campaign donations (Interest groups can funnel PAC money to candidates) Misplaced Obsession with PAC’s Identify 3 reasons PAC’s do not “buy” votes:
PAC’s, Woll p. 278 Misplaced Obsession with PAC’s Identify 3 reasons PAC’s do not “buy” votes: Regular free elections with general suffrage Two-party system Summary: Merit matters most->Broad perspective of party allegiance (Constituent interest, not just PAC’s interest)
“Money the Root of PAC Ban Evil” PAC to PAC transfers
Voter Registration!
Elections Ballots Voter fraud Office Block ballots pleBallots.aspx?a=voters Party Column ballots Provisional ballots Absentee ballots nfo.aspx Voter fraud Failure to purge the rolls
Office Column Ballot
Party Column Ballot
Elections Factors influencing who votes Age Education Minority status Income Party competition
Why People Do Not Vote Uninformative Media coverage Negative Campaigning Rational Ignorance Effect
Voter Turn Out Voter Registration requirements trationInfo.aspx Super Tuesday Improve turn out, How? Make Election Day a national holiday?