East Asia Physical Geography: China, Mongolia, North Korea, South Korea, Taiwan
China’s Desert Taklimakan Desert: second biggest sandy desert in the world So harsh that many people have died trying to cross it. Baking hot and freezing cold Sandstorms deadly snakes
China: Land and Climate TB p. 610-611 Himalaya mountain range China’s border with India and Nepal Kunlun Mountains Goes from Afghanistan to Central China Plateau of Tibet Between Himalaya and Kunlun Shan World’s largest plateau( av. 13,000 ft.) “Roof of the World” Taklimakan Desert Gobi Desert of rocks and stones Temperatures-extremely high, extremely low High elevation Sometimes temps as high as 110 F, as low as -30 F! Manchurian Plain Center of Manchuria Heavily forested area to the east
China’s Rivers Xi Jiang Shortest of the three Yangtze China’s longest river (3,934 mi) Chang Jiang (“Long River”) Yellow 2nd longest river Huang He/”China’s sorrow” Yellow River valley is thickly covered in loess Xi Jiang Shortest of the three Flows from China’s southeastern highlands to form a delta on the South China Sea Vocab: loess- yellow-gray soil deposited by wind and water
Rivers: Pros vs. Cons Pros: Provides fertile soil for people to farm Allows for easy transportation Electricity Cons: Flooding has killed people Yellow River sometimes called “China’s sorrow” For this reason, people have built dams
Three Gorges Dam On the Yangtze River World’s largest dam 607 ft. high, 1.4 mi wide Prevents floods and provides much hydroelectric power Forced over a million people to move their homes!
Climate comparisons TB p. 626 Which countries have similar climates: Eastern Montana Maine Virginia Florida Answers: