SEMI Journal 3/26/17 Start a NEW set of journals. Define tournament. Name some sports or event tournaments that you have seen or have been a part of and tell me your role in them. What do you like about tournaments? Check out the teacher webpage!
Marketing Journal 3/26/18 Continue on last week’s journals. How would you help a customer who has limited English speaking abilities if they came into your workplace and could not pronounce your store brand names? Why is it important to know how to handle this situation? Check out the teacher webpage for the week!
Marketing Branding Activity You are to select 3 different brands and you can work individually or with a partner. Illustrate these 3 brands and as they would appear as a student. Be sure to include colors, personality, style, image and anything associated with that brand. (Need to have at least 5 things about that brand per student) Be creative and HAVE FUN!! Be sure to use some COLOR. Remember all creations need to be school appropriate. Due today – 100 points
PPS1 Journal 3/26/18 Start a new set of journals. One of Ms. Draime’s favorite quotes is “Your lack of preparation does not constitute an emergency (extra work) for me.” Do you agree or disagree? WHY? Check out the teacher webpage!
IBCP Writing Activity Please complete the following in a WORD document: 1. Choose a TV program or movie that shows a character with a good work ethic. Write a brief description of a scene you think shows that this character has a good work ethic. (student can use a person if not watch TV or movies). 2. Choose another TV program or movie that shows a character that does not have a good work ethic. Write another description of a scene you think shows that this character has a bad attitude about work as compared to your first description and the results of the Employability Skills assessment. (Be sure to address Interpersonal Skills, Initiative and Being Dependable).
IBCP Ethics Scenario Small Group Activity – The Crash – Each group will get a copy of The Crash scenario and answer a series of questions as a team. Each group should agree upon one person (Kelly, Taylor or Pat) that should be hired. Each Group needs to answer: 1. If these applicants did not have equal education and training, would you still hire the person chosen? 2. How did the type of job they would be doing affect your decision? 3. Did your own perspective on the problem make any difference in your decision? 4. Was the person your group selected a male or female? How did you decide that? 5. To what extent do we associate work ethic with gender or ethnic group or make generalizations that reflect bias and prejudice?
SEMI Journal 3/27/18 Since we are finally done with Unit 1 – what were your favorite activities or projects? What improvements would you suggest for new SEMI students to improve learning for Unit 1?
Marketing Journal 3/27/18 We spent a lot of time on branding. What has been your favorite activity and why? What has been your least favorite and why? Tell me if you have any other ideas for fun branding activities for future classes.
PPS1 Journal 3/27/18 Recently you read some articles - NBEA Keying In “Consider the Source – Teaching Better Online Search and Evaluation Skills.” What did you like about this activity? What parts in the article did you find most helpful? How can I use this activity more effectively with future students? (Please share any changes in the assignment or improvement ideas).
SEMI Journal 3/28/18 FREE WRITE about anything sports or entertainment related. Be sure to have at least 3 sentences for full journal credit.
Marketing Journal 3/28/18 In a few minutes we will watch a Car Commercial Video What are some things you saw about branding and features and benefits of the car? Would you buy one if you had the money? Why/Why not?
PPS1 Journal 3/28/18 Do you agree or disagree? WHY? How does this phrase relate to IBCP? Who do you know that has changed the world? Describe in detail what they have done. SAVE your journals!!!!!! No journal tomorrow!!!!!
PPS1 Reflective Journal We talked a lot about ethics and initiative these last few weeks – what is your ethical code? How would you rate yourself on initiative from 1(low) to 10 (highest rating)? What are you going to do differently based on our discussions and learning in class? Please be prepared to share what you wrote with your classmates.
SEMI Journal 3/29/18 Name 3 things that you learned or that surprised you about tournaments based on your research for your project. What did you LIKE about the Tournament Project? What could be improved on this project for next year? SAVE your journals! Have a great Spring Break!!!
PRINT and TURN in 9 Journals!!!!! Marketing Journal 3/29/18 I See… I Think… I Wonder? PRINT and TURN in 9 Journals!!!!!
Have a great Spring Break!!! PPS1 Journal 3/29/18 NONE – please take off everything on your desk and spread out. You can either type or write out LEGIBLY the midterm. Please note the point values of each question. You will have the entire class period but use your time wisely. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!! Have a great Spring Break!!!