Kneading and Proving: How the Oswin Project is creating a social enterprise bakery at HMP Northumberland
Outcomes : The outcomes of Bakin’ Free are as follows: The ex-offender has the opportunity to: learn a trade develop soft skills such as self-confidence, better communication, teamwork and time-keeping skills learn business skills including budgeting, managing stock and ICT Meaning that when he leaves prison, he is more likely to: achieve his potential lessen the chances of being discriminated against become financially independent be a positive role model Resulting in: the community in which ex-offender lives will see a reduction in crime levels and will become safer places for everyone.
Sodexo Risk Management Selection Purchaser of bread Training Gaining Food Training Quality Control Expertise Bakery Management Health & Safety The Oswin Project Selection Process Support Bread Production Employment on Release Employers Employment Opportunities
Identify Bakery Site Supply of Ingredients MoJ Compliance Quality Control Education, Training & Employment Site Preparation Utilities Staffing & Recruitment Logistics Contracts Publicity Risk Management