English 11 – Period 4 - Friday, Sept. 9 HW Due TODAY: CommonLit “The Terror” (now have 2 completed readings) DUE LAST CLASS AT END OF BLOCK: COMPLETE OUTLINE w/Smiley Face Tricks DO NOW: Pick up rubric and article/questions
Let’s Talk IF ABSENT LAST CLASS – Did you Remind text? View agenda for missed day? EXPECTATIONS – Use of Library/Having a Sub
Wed’s Activities “10 Things” Personal Narrative Essay Review/complete Prezi notes-Smiley Face Tricks Library (assigned seats)- Complete/PRINT FULL outline LABEL THREE different areas in essay where you will insert THREE DIFFERENT Smiley Face Tricks! State which trick & give working example of your trick in your outline SIGN UP for CommonLit (if did not)-link - English 11 Docs/BRHS class page Read/respond – CommonLit - “The Terror” (MC/S.A.)
Friday’s Activities “10 Things” Personal Narrative Essay Using Smiley Face Tricks notes & TWO mentor essays (“Dogs. Best Friend? More Like Lifesaver” & “Being Content with Myself”): UNDERLINE/HIGHLIGHT places in essay where you see Smiley Face Tricks IDENTIFY which trick you see (if Figurative Language, state which type) AMEND/RESUBMIT your outline to include THREE DIFFERENT Smiley Face tricks Review RUBRIC – rough draft will be started in class on Tues, 9/12
HOMEWORK for Tues, Sept. 12 CommonLit readings for half credit / not taken for credit after Tues’s class **unless you were absent and Remind texted to notify me Be ready to discuss Sherman Alexie’s article “Why the Best Kids Books are Written in Blood” Question set NOT HW (can complete in class on Tues), BUT…. Graded journal entry on the article at start of class Tuesday
Journal Writing Guidelines Loose leaf paper (or online) Name, date, period at top (if handwritten) Restate the question in your response 5-10 complete, thoughtful sentences OR 15 minute write (extended); this is one paragraph+ or front of a page Read through once to proofread for errors