Topic Plan- Phase 3 and 4 Autumn Term 2 ‘That’s The Way To Do It !’ Teachers-Mrs Musgrove, Mr Street, Mrs Ould , Mrs Cooper & Mrs Swallow Science Identify how shadows are formed Plan and carry out an investigation to find patterns in the way that the size of shadows change. Music Compose and perform own puppet motif to create different moods (Year 3 : Recorders / 4SO- Violins and cellos) Maths Multiplication and division mental and written methods. Finding remainders after division Solving word problems. Literacy Narrative writing - retelling a myth Character and setting descriptions based on ‘Rama and Sita’ Identify features of Play scripts Write and act out own play scripts Spellings, Punctuation and Grammar including: suffixes, homophones, inverted commas, apostrophes for possession and conjunctions. Shared reading- Stories from around the world. Reading comprehension-poetry Design Technology Design, make and evaluate own rod and string puppets P.E./ Games Outdoor games: Year 3-Friday pm- Year 4-Wednesday pm- Net & Court games/ Indoor PE Year 3 Wednesday p.m Real PE Year 4 Monday a.m- Premier sport and Dance. Spanish Year 3- Numbers to 10, telling your age and Spanish Christmas Year 4- Consolidate numbers to 31,Months and dates, seasons and Spanish Christmas Core Learning Skills Developing Independence and Responsibility PSHE Year 3 Myself and My Relationships: Friendship and difference Year 4- Myself and My Relationships: Managing risk and Change Computing E-safety Internet research Purple Mash/ Digital literacy Sumdog Maths & Times table Rockstars Homework expectations inYears 3 & 4 Read with an adult at least 3 times a week and discuss the text using the questions in the front of reading diaries. Practise and learn weekly spelling list, also complete the spelling activity set. Learning log tasks are set each fortnight on a Friday. Regular practise of your target times tables using your new ‘Times Table Rockstar’ login. Log on to your Sumdog Maths and Reading Eggspress accounts and complete 30 minutes of activities on each per week Children also have their own Purple Mash log in so they can access a range of games and activities to further support their learning at home R.E. Is Christmas a festival of light or love? Advent The Nativity Why is light an important symbol to Christians? Jesus, the light of the World. Art Design and make own stage set models and scenery. Design masks