Governance at the University of Regina Glenys Sylvestre Executive Director (University Governance) and University Secretary 25 August 2018
The University of Regina Act The governance structure at the University is defined by provincial legislation. The University of Regina Act being Chapter U-5 of The Revised Statutes of Saskatchewan, 1978 (effective February 26, 1979) as amended by the Statutes of Saskatchewan, 1979, c.77; 1980-81, c.91; 1983, c.11 and 29; 1983- 84, c.54; 1984-85-86, c.16; 1988-89, c.42 and 55; 1989-90, c.54; 1996, c.22; 1999, c.29; 2002, c.C-11.1; 2004, c.T-18.1 and c.10; 2005, c.M-36.1 and c.43; 2010, c.15; 2011, c.20; 2012, c. D-2.1 and c.11; 2014, c.E-13.1; 2015, c.21; and 2017, c P-30.011.
Bylaws and rules and regulations of BOG, Senate and Council The University of Regina framework Act Bylaws and rules and regulations of BOG, Senate and Council Policy: Governance, operations, people and research (Student: UG and Grad calendar) Internal (unit) level policies and procedures Supporting documents, guidelines, business practices Oversight: Internal and external – Internal audit, external audit, financial reporting, ERM
Governance Governance determines who has power, who makes decisions, how other players make their voice heard and how account is rendered. 1 1 Institute on Governance. Retrieved from
Bi-cameral Governance
Board of Governors Section 62 of the Act Hire the President Strategic plan Oversight of the strategic plan All matters administrative Space Budget Resources Pension and benefits (salary)
Senate Section 33 of the Act University’s window to the world Everything that sets policy for how students enter and leave the university Academic structure Federations and affiliations Delegated discipline matters to Executive of Council Highest appeal body
Council and Executive of Council Section78 of the Act Make recommendations to the President regarding matters considered by the council to be of interest to the University All matters that deal with what happens to students while at the university Academic standards Curriculum Academic year
Council Committees Council Agenda Committee Council Committee on Academic Mission (CCAM) Council Committee on Budget (CCB) Council Committee on the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research (FGSR) Council Committee on Research (CCR) Council Committee on Student Appeals (CCSA) Council Discipline Committee (CDC) Council Committee on Undergraduate Admissions and Studies (CCUAS) Council Committee on Undergraduate Awards (CCUA) Council Nominating Committee
Joint Committee of Senate and Council Joint Committee of Senate and Council on Ceremonies
Officers – Defined in the Act Chancellor – Chair of Senate, Chair of Convocation, Ex-Officio on the Board of Governors President and Vice-Chancellor – Chair of Executive of Council and Council, substitute for the Chancellor Board Chair – Chair of the Board of Governors (with a Vice-Chair) elected annually University Secretary – Secretary for all three governing bodies Controller – Currently determined to be the VP Administration Deans – Administrative and academic responsibility for their respective faculty
Meeting Schedule Convocation – June and October Senate – February, June and October Executive of Council – Every month except December, July and August Council – When called by Council Faculty Council – Depends on the Faculty Board of Governors – July, September, December, March and May
How to Become More Involved Attend Council meetings when called Consider volunteering for a Council Committee – Call for volunteers in March Attend Faculty and Department meetings
Where to Find Information Governance Website: Email: