I am learning my phonemes.
I know my phonemes. ch th wh sh
We are learning to recognise words and read them FAST! Fast Reads We are learning to recognise words and read them FAST!
shop wish than shot rash fish lush chin them shed
lash chum shut rush when thud which shun thug shod
shall dish chip whip much cash chop mash shin that
cuff buzz sell less fell jazz kiss huff tell will
ship moth thin chill which then chap shell dash such
We are learning to read really cool sentences too! 9
I like fish and chips.
How did you do? 11
He has a chill.
How did you do? 13
Do moths shop?
How did you do? 15
Give me that dish.
How did you do? 17
What fish is that?
How did you do? 19
I am going to the shop.
How did you do? 21
Shall I cash it?
How did you do? 23
I like that ship!
How did you do? 25
He is thin.
How did you do? 27