1 Kosuke, a young businessman from Tokyo, was on a business trip to Jakarta, Indonesia..
He decided to call his wife 2 3 After reaching the hotel in the evening, Kosuke felt dizzy and cold. But he was worried.. He had an important presentation the next day! He couldn’t sleep early as work on the presentation was still left 4 He decided to call his wife It has been a busy, tiresome day of work.. And add to it the rainy season in Jakarta..
At that time Kosuke’s wife and daughter were visiting Kosuke’s grandma in Japan 5 6 Grandma heard a sick and weak voice of Kosuke.. What’s wrong grandson? Where are you? Cold? Indonesia?
9 You know, twenty years ago, I was in Indonesia with your grandpa.. Tired and bad weather made me almost fainted on the street. Your grandpa then took me back to the hotel on “becak” The becak guy asked me kindly ‘what’s happened?’ So familiar with the symptoms, he took us to a store and convinced us to buy a medicine named “Tolak Angin” I had the medicine he recommended and fortunately it was very effective. I recovered quickly. I still remember this very well..
10 11 He tried the liquid variant. Tasted a bit strange. Soon after that he took rest. And by morning he felt much better. So Kosuke rang the receptionist and asked her to get him Tolak Angin. Confused on what type to buy, he asked for all variants.
Returned to Japan, he visited his grandma Returned to Japan, he visited his grandma. “Grandma, Thank for your advice.. Here I have a present for you..” ? ? ? 12 ?