Science Starter
Science Starter
Science Starter Based on the picture, what is the difference between precision and accuracy? Discuss with your seat partner after coming up with your own answer.
Science Starter Classify each example as a qualitative observation or quantitative observation. One example has more than one right answer. The Professor of Peace wore a red-striped banner across his forehead. Clopes has 9 bracelets around his wrist. The Doctor has a swollen lip. The Whisper talks very loudly on Fridays. There are twenty-five intelligent students in science class today. Go back and underline words that are qualitative and circle words that are quantitative.
Science Starter First, make observations about the following picture: Second, make inferences about the same picture: Classify the following sentences as qualitative or quantitative observations: Mr. Cullen dropped forty-three coins onto his dresser top. Some dinosaurs had breath that smelled rancid. Is the following an observation or an inference?
Thinking like a scientist The Nature of Science Thinking like a scientist
Science is… 1. What do you think of when you think of science? 2. Have you ever done science? What did you do?
Bill Gates Albert Einstein Neil Degrasse Tyson Stephen Hawking Jane Goodall Rosalind Frankin Dr. Mae C. Jemison
Science is… Which of the people shown on this page are scientists? How can you tell?
Objective 1 What are the skills scientist use to learn about the world?
Scientists use many different skills to learn more about the world. Main Idea Scientists use many different skills to learn more about the world. Observing Inferring Predicting Classifying Evaluating Making Models
Observing Using the senses to gather information.. Two types: a. Quantitative – observations that deal with numbers or amounts b. Qualitative – observations that deal with descriptions attempts to understand meanings that people give to their deeds, experiences, or to other phenomena
Quantitative Qualitative Observations Examples: Examples: Measurements Calculations Examples: Color Smell Taste Sound Texture
Inferring Trying to explain or interpret what you observe based on reasoning from what you already know. Attempt to explain or interpret observations based on the evidence and/or our experience. What has happened.
Predicting Making a forecast of what will happen in the future based on what you already know. An educated guess about a future event. A PREDICTION may or may not happen, but it should be logical What will happen.
Inferences vs. predictions Example: A broken egg is on the floor by the table. Inference Prediction It rolled of the table It will stain the floor
You decide see a pile of leaves, a rake, and green grass Observation A kid will jump in the leaves It is Fall OR Someone raked the leaves into a pile. Observation Inference Prediction
Classifying Grouping together of items that are alike in some way.
Evaluating Compares observations and data to reach a conclusion about them Text example: Could Jane reach a valid conclusion about chimpanzee behavior based on one chimpanzee? No, she would need to compare Jomeo’s behavior with all other chimps to reach a valid conclusion
Making Models A representation of complex objects or processes Models are a very important part of science Maps, miniatures, illustrations, graphs and even mathematical equations are all types of models