Warm-Up: Choose your slogan. Write it on the ¼ sheet. The struggle I am in today is building the strength I will need tomorrow. I will push myself harder because no one else is going to do it for me. I don’t dream about success, I work for it.
Goals: Today’s objective is to familiarize ourselves with the stretch articles that are related to the new On the Record books we will be reading. We will also practice pre-reading strategies for activating our background knowledge before reading the books. Create your goal for today…
Word Study Warm-Up/ Vocabulary Mini-Lesson: RATA with the Stretch Text Agenda: Slogan/ Goal Word Study Warm-Up/ Vocabulary Mini-Lesson: RATA with the Stretch Text Grade 6: The Road Not Taken Grade 7: Social Media in Action Grade 8: Daredevil Stuff Summarizing Pre-Reading Sheet for the On the Record book Grade 6: Schooled Grade 7: Planting Seeds Grade 8: Never Say Die
Stretch Texts Grade 6 Grade 8 Grade 7
Grade 7 Grade 6 Grade 8
Grade 6 Summarizing: I do
Grade 6 Summarizing: we do
Grade 7 Summarizing: I do
Grade 7 Summarizing: we do
Grade 8 Summarizing: I do
Grade 8 Summarizing: we do
YOU DO: read and summarize with a partner Grade 6 Grade 8 Grade 7 -What is the central idea of the article? -In how many words per minute can you read the first section?
Which statement is supported by the information in the article? Grade 6 LAFS.6.RI.1.1 Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. 1. Part A Which statement is supported by the information in the article? A. Often the more convenient road is the easier one to take. B. Those who believe in themselves have to rely less on talent and hard work. C. Success is highly correlated to confidence and hard work. D. Talent is fleeting, but relationships are forever.
Grade 7 LAFS.7.RI.1.1 Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. 1. Part A The description in this article about the HONY fundraiser for Vidal Chastanet’s school illustrates that A. most people are unaware of what is happening in the world around them. B. social media activism is unique because it can encourage a large number of people to each make a small contribution, yielding big results. C. many schools cannot afford basic classroom events, like field trips. D. we must rely on the charity of strangers to bring about real change in the world, and social media is helping to do just that.
The article leads readers to understand that Grade 8 LAFS.8.RI.1.1 Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. 1. Part A The article leads readers to understand that A. some believe that risky behavior has a biological basis. B. those who take risks all have the same personality type. C. risk-takers have an undeveloped portion of their brain. D. rational thought hinders people from developing creativity.
Complete BEFORE READING strategy sheet with a partner. Grade 7 Grade 6 Grade 8
Closing: Did you meet your goal?