So sagt man das! Using a schedule to talk about time


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Presentation transcript:

So sagt man das! Using a schedule to talk about time Kapitel 4-Stufe 1 So sagt man das! Using a schedule to talk about time

It’s the first day of school, and you are curious about when your friends have their classes.

You might ask: When do you have geography? Wann hast du Erdkunde?

You might get this response: At 11:20. Um 11 Uhr 20.

You might ask: What do you have at 11:20? Was hast du um 11 Uhr 20?

The response might be: Geography. Erdkunde

You might ask: Was hast du von 8 Uhr 45 bis 9 Uhr 30? What do you have from 8:45 till 9:30? Was hast du von 8 Uhr 45 bis 9 Uhr 30?

The response might be: I have computer science. Ich habe Informatik.

You might ask: What do you have art? Wann hast du Kunst?

The response might be: Um 10 Uhr 30, nach der Pause.. At 10:30, after the break. Um 10 Uhr 30, nach der Pause..

