Visual Field Digest Teaching Kit Chapter 2 HAAG-STREIT AG
Teaching Kit Copyright The Visual Field Digest Teaching Kit includes all figures and illustrations from the Visual Field Digest. They can be used for non-commercial presentations free of charge. Haag-Streit AG allows the use of this figures for personal or academic use under the conditions that (i) it is used without commercial purpose and (ii) the content is reproduced exactly as the original by mentioning Haag-Streit AG, Switzerland as the owner of the copyright. Non-academic, non-personal or commercial users might only use this figures in whole or in part after a written authorization by the copyright holder. “Haag-Streit”, “900” and “Octopus” are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Haag-Streit Holding AG. The following are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Carl Zeiss Meditec: “Guided Progression Analysis”, “GPA”, “Humphrey”, “HFA”, “SITA”, “SITA Fast”, “SITA Standard”, “Visual Field Index”, and “VFI”. Copyright © 2018 HAAG-STREIT AG
Fig. 2-1: Spatial extent of a normal visual field
Fig. 2-2: Sensitivity to light
Fig. 2-3: Hill of vision
Fig. 2-4: Perimetry allows detection of abnormal sensitivity to light
Fig. 2-5: Sensitivity thresholds
Fig. 2-6: Drawing the hill of vision from the sensitivity thresholds
Fig. 2-7: Graphic display of sensitivity thresholds
Fig. 2-8: Ideal versus practical perimetric testing
Fig. 2-9: Hill of vision is age- and location-dependent
Fig. 2-10: Comparisons show the deviation from normal
Fig. 2-11: Normal fluctuation in perimetry
Box 2A: Relationship between sensitivity to light and luminance
Box 2C: Frequency of seeing (FOS) curve