- lessons learned - SOE and WFD reporting - GIS/IT developments WISE - lessons learned - SOE and WFD reporting - GIS/IT developments Beate Werner and Agnieszka Romanowicz
WISE – SOE and Directives EIONET SOE information used in EEA 2012 reports, giving trends Problem was lack in consistency with WFD and other directives Further work on convergance as WFD information in place now SOE-reporting further maintained 18. Sept. 2013 Eionet Workshop to discuss data issues - Quality, Structure, Assessments
Lessons learned – too many quick and dirty solutions Reporting: WFD could not use full ReportNet features development needed to better facilitate QA/QC and automatisation, DD development Reporting of Geo-data; stability Data consistency, needs better searchability one consistent data structure across tabular and spatial data Dissemination: Streamlining of Viewers; Website and entry pages too many quick and dirty solutions
Re-structuring data maintanance - INSPIRE-compliant spatial datasets and - tabular datasets fit for integrated asessments Tabular datasets Monitoring data, status info – water quality (ID, parameter values) Monitoring data, status info – water quantity (ID, parameter values) Reported data, - emissions, treatment type, compliance,.. (ID, parameter values) Monitoring stations - quality (ID, ID-WB, coordinates, attributes) Monitoring stations - quantiity (ID, ID-WB, coordinates, attributes) Facilities (industries, treatment plants,..) (ID, ID-WB, coordinates, attributes) WFD surface water bodies (WB) Rivers, lakes, transitional, coastal (ID, shapefiles, attributes) WFD ground water bodies (WB) (ID, shapefiles, attributes) Udate frequency WISE Main Rivers, Main Lakes (ID, shapefiles, attributes) Reference GIS datasets Reference GIS datasets to be INSPIRE compliant and updated after certain period after any change made by MS Tabular data regular reported by MS via current data flows – could potentially be developed into distributed system WFD River Basin Districts (ID, shapefiles, attributes) NUTS1, NUTS2, NUTS3,.. (ID, shapefiles, attributes) Country boarders (shapefiles) Coastline(s) (shapefiles) Spatial datasets
Data flows and web services in WISE Other data sources European Monitoring campaigns Monitoring data in MS datasets Reporting by countries SoE EU Directives water statistics Professionals Near real-time data GMES Utilities industries GIS datasets Public participation Cityzen science Modelling - now casting - Forecasting - Scenarios - Data gap filling QA/QC Reference GIS datasets Static maps and graphs Interactive maps Map layers & platforms Model systems Pre-defined query functions European thematic datasets CSI xx Map services Modelling services DataViewer MapViewer WaterBase Indicators Web services
How does it look like now? And how we would like to move Data and Reporting: ReportNet as reporting tool: having the same structure (DD) and QA/QC procedures will help in processing information and data in next years specific tools for GIS data to be used (ArcGIS online, SDI links). Ensure INSPIRE compliance Use data at MS source (“decentralised system”), see Floods and UWWTD Data maintenance: one consistent structure across spatial and tabular data Enabling better unstructured information (verbally described) Dissemination of European data as: Interactive viewers towards one viewer system enabling integrated analysis Website(s) update/change the website to host more unstructured information including wiki
Challenges for further WISE development conceptually moving towards SIIFs (Re -) Specify EU information needs Common data model Common data specification of tabular data - data dictionary Common data specification spatial data – Inspire compliant
Practical implications - GIS/IT developments
Elements of WISE (2.0/update) ArcGIS online new maps will be already prepared following the new requirements: first maps will be ready in May Inclusion of all data with ‘time line’ this will allow looking at all the DB at specific time (none of the data is prepared in this way) Website this will be updated during the 2013 with new information and direct links to (interactive) maps or new products that will be on the EEA website
Expected outputs this year ArcGIS online for experts Specific entry page for the ArcGIS for experts this depends on the ESRI developments might be ready only next year Updated website(water.europa.eu) Changes to the EEA website links between sources i.e. interactive webmap provides also links to source data that were used When ever possible interactive maps will be based on ArcGIS online
WISE core database and data access Currently: Individual datasets (UWWTD, BWD, NiD, DWD, SoE rivers, SoE lakes, SoE gw, …….) published in Waterbase => only for IT experts Future: Consistent data model, keeping integrity and relation between all water related parameter Solution for object lifetime history for structural elements (RBDs, NUTS codes, NACE codes, stations, etc.) Public WISE data viewer - view and download data from WISE core database (Expert data viewers on WFD, UWWTD, BWD, etc.)
Consequences of the changes on the current work flows The workflow has been changed and number of staff had to be trained Some maps for May might be published later (i.e. June) Some data were already prepared with current setup and they will be published as prepared There is an expectation that MS experts will be using ArcGIS online for commenting directly on the GIS layers
Long term benefits Reduction of steps during production (e.g.DB, GIS layers, maps) which should speed up the process Integration with other data that are already and will be in the future on ArcGIS online Better access to data and assessment tools
GIS reference layers
Current status GWB to be uploaded on the EEA website and SDI RBD- update Atkins made some changes just before Easter TC under revision in-house, however as the RBD layer was change links to the last version needs to be made Coastline second draft ready, CLC and erosion data will be included by end September; if linear ref. from MS should be included we need to be sure if it was reported… Main rivers links to other databases needs to be included (end June), information on WB (end of year) – but first version might be uploaded to the EEA website in June Main lakes layer has not been published but all the information is included in ECRINS online since summer 2012
April, 2012
Status as end 2012
Thank you for your attention