Benefit of a digital waterway network (status quo and potential)
Benefit of a digital waterway network Content: Dataset and Features Digital waterway network, for instance in Germany Functionality (realized) Combined Web Map Services (WMS) Waterway Locator (Web Feature Service (WFS)) Functionality (planned) RIS Index and ISRS location code How to produce? How to provide? Intersection to INSPIRE Fulfilling the INPIRE demands (Intermodal connections) Routing (voyage planning) Conclusion (Benefit of a digital European waterway network) 16.01.2019
Benefit of a digital waterway network Digital waterway network in Germany Main stretch (0401) and local branches along the Danube 16.01.2019
Benefit of a digital waterway network Digital waterway network in Germany Connection points 16.01.2019
Benefit of a digital waterway network Digital waterway network in Germany 16.01.2019
Basic geometry : Attributes: Benefit of a digital waterway network Realized content Basic geometry : 100 m distance marks Main stretch, branches, connection points (nodes) Object relevant waterway kilometer Attributes: Waterway name, waterway ID Waterway class Responsibility DESTATIS – harbours National tables (VV-WSV 11 03): … 16.01.2019
Benefit of a digital waterway network Realized functionality Combined Web Map Services (WMS) 16.01.2019
Benefit of a digital waterway network Realized functionality Waterway locator (WFS) Waterway km => Coordinates Coordinates => Waterway km 16.01.2019
Benefit of a digital waterway network Realized functionality Waterway locator (WFS) Map link generator 16.01.2019
Benefit of a digital waterway network RIS Index, missing link between standards ISRS (Inland Ship Reporting Standard (UNECE)) UN country and location code RIS (River Information Services) RIS Index National standards (e.g. national waterway ID’s) e.g. intermodal traffic network INSPIRE 16.01.2019 10
Benefit of a digital waterway network RIS Index, also a missing link between RIS services VTT (Vessel Tracking and Tracing) IENC (Inland ECDIS Navigational Charts) ERI (Electronic ship Reporting system) RIS Index NtS (Notices to Skippers) 16.01.2019 11
Coordinates and additional attributes Benefit of a digital waterway network RIS Index, how to produce? “Joint Task Force on RIS Index” RIS Index Encoding Guide A reference book and user guide for the production of the RIS Index. The RIS Index is a discrete redundant dataset, consisting of: a 20 character object identifier (ISRS location code) for all objects, defined in the RIS Index Encoding Guide additional data (point coordinates and attributes), taken from corresponding Inland ECDIS objects. ISRS location code Coordinates and additional attributes RIS Index 16.01.2019 12
Benefit of a digital waterway network RIS Index, how to produce the ISRS location code? The location code (ISRS location code) which is defined in the International Ship Reporting System (ISRS) is used as object identifier. This is a 20 digit string which is put together by the following sub elements (mandatory fields): UN country code (2 characters) ok (DE) UN location code (3 characters) ? (WFS, waterway locator) Fairway section code (5 characters) ok (WFS, waterway locator) Object reference code (5 characters) (ok) (taken from IENC objects) Fairway section hectometre (5 characters) ok (WFS, waterway locator) 16.01.2019
Benefit of a digital waterway network RIS Index, ISRS location code out of waterway network Location code is an independent code Geometry (shapes) are available and can be integrated Creation of a new ISRS location code can be supported by a function of the waterway network RIS Index can also be integrated in the waterway network and provided by a WFS functionality Basic functionality of WMS and WFS is already running Problems: In Germany only 50% are covered with codes But in this case „xxx“ can be used temporarily Der UN Location code (UNITED NATIONS CODE FOR TRADE AND TRANSPORT LOCATIONS) ist ein Standard der UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE (UNECE). Source: 16.01.2019 14
Benefit of a digital waterway network RIS Index, ISRS location code out of waterway network Acquisition of ISRS location code (WFS) to keep IENCs up to date Waterway locator UN location code 16.01.2019
Production out of IENC and waterway network Benefit of a digital waterway network RIS Index, production and provision RIS-Index … Restliche Geometrieobjekte (Bezug zu ca. 4000 BWaStr km) IENC Geometrieobjekte (Bezug zu ca. 3500 BWaStr km) 1 Production out of IENC and waterway network Provision of RIS Index (ISRS location code) in IENC and waterway network 2 2 2 Wenn nicht eine Objekt verschoben oder gelöscht, bleibt der aktuelle RIS-Index bestehen. 1 RIS Index 16.01.2019 16
Benefit of a digital waterway network Intersecting set between RIS Index and INSPIRE (1 of 2) L.- No. RIS Index Feature IENC Acronym Possible data sources 1 bridge IENC, DBWK2, WADABA, WESKA, ATKIS 2 lock basin lokbsn IENC, DBWK2, WADABA, WESKA 3 lock basin part lkbspt 4 exceptional navigational structure excnst (e.g. ship lift, aqueduct bridge, ship tunnel) 5 turning basin trnbsn 6 harbour basin hrbbsn IENC, DBWK2, WADABA, WESKA, ATKIS, DESTATIS 7 harbour area hrbare 8 port area prtare IENC, DBWK2, ATKIS 9 berth without transhipment berth 10 transhipment berth INSPIRE Konformität hinterlegen für (Verknüpfung Häfen/Fahrlinie, Wendebecken, Schleusenbecken/-gruppen, Bewegliche Brücken, Hebewerke, Terminals) Lock basin – Schleusenkammer Berth - Koje 16.01.2019 17
Benefit of a digital waterway network Intersecting set between RIS Index and INSPIRE (2 of 2) L.-No. RIS Index Feature IENC Acronym Possible data sources 11 anchorage area achare IENC, DBWK2, WADABA, WESKA 12 anchorage berth achbrt IENC, DBWK2, WADABA, WESKA, 13 terminal termnl IENC, DBWK2, WADABA (partly), WESKA (partly) 14 waterway gauge wtwgag IENC, DBWK2, WISKI - in the future DIPS 15 distance mark dismar IENC, DBWK2, VerkNet BWastr 16 passage points (dismar) dropped 17 traffic points 18 bridge area C_AGGR or bridge IENC, DBWK2, ATKIS 19 lock area C_AGGR or lock 20 overhead cable cblohd 21 overhead pipe pipohd 22 radio calling point rdocal 23 junction - dropped (covered by WaStrNetz) 24 RIS centre INSPIRE Konformität hinterlegen für (Verknüpfung Häfen/Fahrlinie, Wendebecken, Schleusenbecken/-gruppen, Bewegliche Brücken, Hebewerke, Terminals, Junction?) Anchorage – Ankerplatz Gauge – Abmessung, Maß Lock area – Wendebecken Junction – Y-Verzweigung, Knotenpunkt, Kreuzung, Anschlussstelle 16.01.2019 18
Benefit of a digital waterway network INSPIRE: intermodal connections (harbours, ports) 16.01.2019
Benefit of a digital waterway network Other planned functionality Routing (beta version) 16.01.2019
Digital waterway network services Conclusion Benefit of digital waterway services: Map visualization (via WMS) and data provision (via WFS) always up to date, no use of out-dated files services can be integrated in application software (www standard) Calculations and functionality for a lot of administrative tasks waterway km => coordinates coordinates => waterway km click to object => ISRS location code click to objects => RIS Index Fulfilling the INSPIRE demands Routing (voyage planning) … More cooperation between European countries will lead to more benefit for everyone. 16.01.2019
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