Quotes “There are only two questions to ask about food. Is it good? And is it authentic? We are open to new ideas, but not if it means destroying our history. And food is our history” Giuliano Bugialli, quoted in the New York Times, May 9, 1984
CHAPTER 35 PLATE PRESENTATION “A garnish is primarily designed to tickle the eye, but it also should meld seemlessly with the other flavors on the plate or contrast with them in a meaningful way” Barbara Tropp “Thoughtful presentation… cannot mask poor-quality, poorly prepared, or bland tasting food” Labensky p. 1134.
After studying chapter 35 and class notes you will be able to: Describe the elements of art as they relate to plate presentation Describe a variety of techniques, including those observed and completed at lab, to add visual appeal to plated food Critique a plate of food for the final exam in lab
Plate Presentation The true test is here! Creativity and skill that went into the cooking and baking has to be placed onto the plate Great plate presentations take skill, experience and style Presentation is the process of offering the selected foods to guests in a fashion that is visually pleasing
Plate Presentation Food Has to be properly prepared but it can be made more attractive by cutting or molding it into various shapes Garnishes should be simple, edible items with a close kinship to the dish Garnishes are visual, but need to make sense to the tongue The old “KISS” principle is important when considering the type and scope of garnishes
Plate Presentation Preparing Foods Properly Cutting Foods Foods prepared properly show the expertise of the chef and the kitchen staff Cutting Foods Careful cutting of foods will increase the eye appeal and reflect the chef’s attention to detail There is a difference between cutting foods to decorate plates and cutting foods to be consumed
Plate Presentation Molding Foods Some foods can be molded by using metal rings or circular cutters These molds can create height and keep the plate neat and clean
Plate Presentation Choosing Plates Restaurant plates are available in many different shapes, sizes, colors, and patterns Many plates are round Oval, square and triangular plates are becoming more acceptable Plates should be large enough to hold the food comfortably without crowding or spilling Plates should highlight the food and support the composition
Dessert Garnished with Mint
Plate Presentation Arranging Foods on Plates - CLVST Color Line Value Shape Textures Guidelines for Arranging Foods on a Plate Strike a balance between overcrowding and leaving large gaps of space Choose a focal point for the plate The plate’s composition should flow naturally
Shrimp and Scallop Sambuca
Plate Presentation Decorating Plates Plate dusting Garnishing plates with spices and herbs Decorating plates with sauces