Entering the Classroom


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Presentation transcript:

Entering the Classroom Line up quietly in a single file line by wall. Enter quietly when instructed to do so. Pick up Purple Folder and sit quietly in your seat. Check board to see what to do each day. Prepare materials to start assignments and begin warm- up

Class Rules No talking or walking around during lesson or presentation - stay in your seat unless given permission to be out of it No loud/disruptive behavior No disrespectful talk to others No cheating/copying Be prepared for class with all supplies Follow all directions No gum/candy/food & water in clear bottles

Cell Phone/Smart Watches Are to be turned off before the first bell Are to be left in your backpack. Can only be used after the 3:35 bell. If you dig around in your backpack, then I will assume you are texting and will take up the phone. $15 to get back.

Classroom Rules and Procedures PASSES Use the restroom/get a drink at class change times. You will receive three emergency passes per nine weeks – for restroom, to call home, or anything! Use them carefully! Do not tear out of planner. Must have name on pass.

Dress Code Nurse Halls Natural hair color for boys and girls Jeans - no skin showing above knee - must wear tights underneath if skin shows Tops must cover front & back of bottom when wearing tights Tops must not show undergarments Dresses/skirts/shorts - fingertip length Nurse For meds, vomiting, bleeding, obvious fever Halls No running, hitting, loud voices Do not hang out at water fountains or restrooms

You need your planner everyday. Purposes: -Daily/Upcoming events -Assignments - staple weekly page -Passes -Name on planner/pass pages -Staple schedule in planner -You lose it - you lose that 9 weeks passes!!

SEE BACK BOARD *Always include: -First and Last Name -Date Labeling Your Paper *Always include: -First and Last Name -Date -Class Period -Title assignment SEE BACK BOARD

Turning in Assignments NO LATE WORK *I will ask to pass forward. *Be ready to turn in when asked - including name on paper. *Pass papers back and forth correctly.

Review notes, vocabulary, and Quick Grammar Guide daily. Homework Review notes, vocabulary, and Quick Grammar Guide daily. If you review each day for a few minutes, then you will remember more for tests and quizzes. It is easier to review daily for a small amount of time, then it is to have to study a large amount the day before a test or quiz. Jumpstarters will be the only extra credit I give. Handed out on Monday - due Friday Adds up to 5 points per test.

No Names *If you don’t get an assignment back from the teacher, look in the No Name Basket. A grade can’t go into the grade book if it does not have your name on it.

Binders/ Composition Book AR/Journaling, writing prompts, important papers to keep (usually in color) -Keep in a ziplock bag in your backpack If it is ruined due to a drink - not my problem! Binder: 1)Warm-ups 2)Vocabulary 3)Grammar 4) Writing 5)Misc./notebook paper Keep in closet in your period spot Be sure to clearly mark your name and class period on the front cover of both

*Pick up make-up work from box *3 days to complete Absences *Pick up make-up work from box *3 days to complete *Your responsibility to turn in on time *If a due date given prior to absence, it is due when you return *Handbook Policy followed

Students are expected to arrive to their classes on time! Tardy Students are expected to arrive to their classes on time! You will be considered tardy when the second bell rings and you are not in your seat. I will note the tardies in Gradebook and assign lunch detention after 3 tardies After the third tardy Mr. Railsback will take disciplinary action! .

Do not pack up until instructed to do so. Class Dismissal Do not pack up until instructed to do so. You are not dismissed by the bell. The teacher will let you know when it is time to go. Do NOT ask!!!

Binder with paper and dividers - MUST BE a 1 inch binder Classroom Supplies Composition Notebook Binder with paper and dividers - MUST BE a 1 inch binder Pens, Pencils, Red Checking Pens, Highlighters

Dictionaries/Thesauruses Be sure to leave them under desk. Treat carefully. You may want to have one at home for homework. Supplies Have your own ready to go. If this becomes a problem/disruption, I will refer you to Mr. Railsback. DO NOT use anything on my desk. Only limited amount of supplies at front of room - what I pick up off the floor. Backpacks Do not put on floor. Place on back of desk

Morning Procedures Gym Go straight to breakfast. Do not wait for friends. Then straight to gym. Do not lollygag about visiting 7th/8th graders. May not leave gym after you are there. Same rules for band practice

All assignments are worth 100 points Grading Policy All assignments are worth 100 points They are certain percentages of your total grade: Tests = 60% Daily/Quizzes = 40% No computer time if you have zeros or missing work. Lunch detention of after 2nd zero.

Help for Your Academic Life in Jr. High After School Learning Lab T/Th 3:35-4:30 Check Parent Portal for grades on a regular basis. Sign up for REMIND Text @msfrerich to 81010 Visit my website for weekly lesson plans.