Race to the Top: What was Accomplished?
Standards and Assessment CCGPS – Language Arts CCPGS - Math Formative Assessment Items Benchmark Assessment Items Formative Instructional Practices (FIP) Summer Leadership Academies
Great Teachers and Leaders TKES/LKES Developed Student Growth Model TPPEM/ LPPEM Tiered Certification Professional Development for Pre-K Strengthened Teacher Preparation Alternative Preparation for Leaders
TKES/LKES 2015 Data from RT3 Districts Using TAPS data only, 98% of teachers in the RT3 districts were rated as Proficient After introducing student growth data into the calculation, the data was differentiated in the following manner: TKES LKES Exemplary 18.2% Exemplary 1.9% Proficient 42.2% Proficient 52.8% Needs Development 39.1% Needs Development 44.6% Ineffective 0.5% Ineffective 0.6%
Data Systems Tools IIS/IIR Student Achievement Data Longitudinal Data System Personalized Learning Student Achievement Data Teacher Resource Link IIS/IIR Learning Object Repository Tools
GA-AWARDS GSFC PSC GOSA Data Repository DECAL USG DOE TCSG DOL Another huge data piece is the development of GA-AWARDS, the state-wide data repository. The purpose of having this comprehensive data in one place to allow one agency to answer research and policy questions by looking at longitudinal data from DOE, PSC, DECAL, TCSG, USG, GSFC, Private Colleges, Department of Labor. Both of these data systems, Ga AWARDS and LDS, will continue to be sustained through state funding.
STEM Resources STEM Virtual Science Courses Innovation Grants Virtual Math Courses On-line Professional Development Robotics/ Engineering Engineering Course for Middle School Students Innovation Grants
USG Teacher Prep Improvements Other Projects USG Teacher Prep Improvements Innovation Fund TNTP/TFA SROI Merit Pay Induction Process UTeach Turning Around LAS PSAT
How much did it cost?
Total Grant Award $399,952,650
Grant Distribution 26 Partner LEAs $206,332,601 State $193,620,049
Expenditures as of June 30, 2015 Georgia Department of Education ~$298,444,310 ~$215,270,094 Funding to LEAs Grants to 26 partner Districts Math and ELA Training Grants to all districts and state charters SLO Development Grants to all districts and state charters Compensation Grants to Marietta City and Fulton County RESAs ~$83,174,216 Standards and Assessment Great Teachers and Leaders Data Systems Support of Lowest Achieving Schools STEM courses developed by CEISMC
Expenditures as of June 30, 2015 Other State Agencies ~$61,384,006 GA AWARDS – Statewide Data Repository The Innovation Fund Early Learning STEM Videos Agencies IT Projects
Total Expenditures to Date Total Awarded: $399,952,650 Expenditures to Date: $359,828,316 – all agencies Amount Withheld by US ED $9,904,629 Remaining funds to cover additional expenditures not reported: $30,219,705 LEA grants and Merit Bonuses Data Systems expenditures through July 31, 2015 Standards and Assessment Literacy Project expenditures through August 14, 2015 Race to the Top Summit in partnership with Summer GAEL
Sustainability Funding TKES/LKES Support to Districts Electronic Platform Support SLO Support for Districts Language Arts and Math Specialists PSAT Funding Innovation Funds LDS and GA-AWARDS
What’s next? Recommendations from Education Reform Commission in Five Areas: Funding Early Learning Educational Options Move On When Ready Teacher Recruitment, Retention, and Compensation
Contact Information Susan C. Andrews Governor’s Office of Planning and Budget 404-463-4445 Susan.Andrews@opb.georgia.gov Clara J. Keith Georgia Department of Education 404-656-2573 ckeith@doe.k12.ga.us